Has anyone seen our brown tabby cat around Market Street?

Valerie Stewart
👍 3

Tue 3 May 2022, 09:29

Give him a kiss, smack his little furry bottom, and rejoice in the life of a cat person.

stephen cavell
👍 2

Tue 3 May 2022, 07:04

Excellent news Zoe!

Zoe Burton
👍 18

Tue 3 May 2022, 07:01

FOUND! Our cat Bert has just walked in! Thank you so much for EVERYONE who took the time to call, message and search for him over the last couple of days. The kindness of the people in Charlbury is overwhelming yet again. 

Zoe Burton
👍 1

Mon 2 May 2022, 07:53 (last edited on Tue 3 May 2022, 07:01)

Unfortunately, our beloved cat hasn’t returned overnight. If you’re in your garden today, please have a look/listen around for him. He’s a very curious (and chatty!) cat so he could be in a shed or garage. Thank you for looking for him.

Zoe Burton

Sun 1 May 2022, 14:04

We haven't seen our cat, Bert, since this morning which is quite out of character. He's usually round the back of our house on Market Street but I've been unable to find him. He is brown/ginger spotty markings and has a low hanging pouch. He's quite small and very chatty. He will respond to Bert/Bertie. If anyone spots him please could you let me (Zoe) know on 07921162885. Thank you.

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