WTB! Video cassette to DVD or computer transfer kit

Janet Sly

Sun 15 Mar 2009, 20:45

Hi John we are having no response from you on the above email address and are wondering if there is a problem with emails being "spamtrapped" as unfortunately someone with one of our email addresses in their address book was spambotted and "we've" been (fake headers) "sending" lots of the usual spam. So perhaps its been dropped before you have seen it?

john h

Sun 1 Mar 2009, 15:02

janet, email me at hrrjhn@aol.com may be able to help

Janet Sly

Mon 23 Feb 2009, 18:41

Anyone got equipment we could borrow for a week or two to transfer much cherished kids videos from aging analogue VCR cassettes onto DVD or digitally onto computer disk for later transfer to dvd (once we figure out how to do that!). If you have some stuff lying around from your own transfer efforts we'd be very happy to hear from you! Our video recorder is getting rather old, erk, and we could end up technologically extincted with media we can't play on anything at all!

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