Annual Town Meeting -REVAMPED

Lisa Wilkinson
👍 6

Wed 13 Apr 2022, 10:44

The revamped Annual Town Meeting was a great success, with 60 residents attending to see what the Town Council has been up to while enjoying locally sourced wine and cheese. We heard talks from guest speakers on butterflies, hedgehogs, cycling, the proposed hydroelectric turbine and the patients' participation group at the medical centre, as well as presenting awards to honoured citizens who have made a major contribution to our community.

There was also chance to look round stalls of local groups, meet the town's new e-bike and share ideas for making walking and cycling easier.

Thanks to everyone who spoke, exhibited and participated in the event.

Here is the link to the Annual Report which was distributed at the meeting:

Lisa Wilkinson
👍 1

Fri 8 Apr 2022, 13:19

Don't forget the Annual Town Meeting tonight at the Memorial Hall. The wine is in the fridge and the cheese is relaxing!

See for the agenda.

The town, district and county councillors will be available for questions, as will the chairs of the local charities and trusts.

The Annual Report will be available tonight as well as the new Council Strategy.

Come along for an interesting and interactive evening.

Leah Fowler

Thu 7 Apr 2022, 17:09 (last edited on Thu 7 Apr 2022, 17:09)


Jean Adams

Wed 6 Apr 2022, 19:11

Apologies but unable to attend. Jean Adams

Lisa Wilkinson
👍 5

Wed 6 Apr 2022, 11:44


The ATM to include:

Refreshments sourced locally:

Wines from Bothy Vineyard near Abingdon, juice from Sherborne, cheese from King Stone and Crumps in Gloucestershire………….

Honoured Citizen Award scheme presentation:

Awards presented to the winners for 2021 and 2022

Talks from guest speakers:

What YOU can do to increase wildlife in your garden

Hedgehogs -Charlbury Wildlife Society

📷Butterflies – Wychwood Forest Trust

Benefits of cycling – Windrush Bike Project

See our new e-bike and arrange to borrow it

Tell us what you think about the:

NEW Town Council Strategy

The proposed parking alterations

Sign up to Town Proud

Talk to us about walking and cycling around the town

Displays from local groups 

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