Hedgehog highways

Kieran Hood
👍 3

Tue 16 May 2023, 10:11

Exciting hedgehog news. We saw an adult hedgehog with a little hoglet just behind the post box on Woodfield drive at around 11pm last night

John Partington
👍 4

Sat 9 Jul 2022, 18:08

If we have to have a Tory prime minister at all, it's a pity it can't be Rory Stewart:  seven years ago he gave what the Deputy Speaker described as one of the best Commons speeches of our generation, on the subject of hedgehogs:  well worth thirteen minutes of your time.

Diana Limburg
👍 3

Sat 9 Jul 2022, 13:45

Very happy to report that we spotted a hedgehog in our hedge yesterday evening (Sandford Park). It spent a long time noisily rustling around :-) 

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Sun 3 Jul 2022, 17:05

An article of interest on the New Scientist website. And yes, still feel guilty of not doing enough to make a habitat "en bloc" of our 4 or 5 acres of contiguous back yards covering the Dithcley Rd/The Slade/The Green ....


How to increase your chances of seeing a…

Long post - click to read full text

Flora Gregory
👍 1

Wed 6 Apr 2022, 10:52 (last edited on Wed 6 Apr 2022, 10:56)

Hedgehogs are definitely active now, there are some sightings.  

The Charlbury Primary School eco-warriors have done some lovely posters which have just gone up around town to encourage us all to give hedgehogs a home and help them with hedgehog highways.  

Rural communities like Charlbury are where there is the biggest fall in hedgehog population.  Access and food are key. And not using poisons, slug pellets etc. 

More detail here in February 2022 report, https://www.britishhedgehogs.org.uk/new-state-of-britains-hedgehog-report-issued-today/

The Charlbury hedgehog survey continues, please say if you see one, each hedgehog is very special and they need as much support as we can give them if the population here is to survive. 

Highways do work, see this in Kirtlington as a part of their very successful hedgehog highway network, 




Gareth Epps

Wed 6 Apr 2022, 10:07

Have they now extended this to Charlbury? The launch press release said it only applied to Witney, Carterton and Chipping Norton. (See https://news.westoxon.gov.uk/news/west-oxfordshire-hedgehogs-to-get-safer-routes-as-part-of-new-urban-highway-campaign-to-boost-population) If they have, it would have been good of them to let us know...
Rachel Crookes
👍 1

Wed 6 Apr 2022, 09:48

Good morning all, 

West Oxfordshire District Council is running a ‘Hedgehog Highways’ scheme that encourages residents to install access points in their fences and walls for hedgehogs, with the aim of connecting up gardens and allowing this declining species to access more spaces to safely forage, breed and hibernate. Create a new 13 x 13cm hedgehog hole in your garden, and send in a picture to the WODC climate team to receive a free hedgehog highway sign!

For more information: https://www.westoxon.gov.uk/environment/climate-action/enhancing-our-natural-capital/hedgehog-highway-scheme/

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