Cost of Living Hike Help

Emily Algar
👍 1

Thu 31 Mar 2022, 20:57

Before the energy prices go through the roof and beyond from tomorrow, it might be worth logging your metre readings with your energy supplier before midnight tonight if you don't have a smart metre, which I expect a lot of people don't. 

In this BBC article, "Experts have been encouraging people without smart meters to submit gas and electricity meter readings on 31 March, the day before bills are set to go up - this Thursday." ;

I appreciate this is just a plaster on a gaping wound but it may help a little. 

Emily Algar
👍 1

Thu 31 Mar 2022, 13:52

Hi Jo, I have just sent you an email. 

Jo Paton
👍 4

Thu 31 Mar 2022, 13:25

Hi all. Interested to see the comments here. I lead the Cornerstone project and we would be happy to talk with others who are keen to take this conversation further. 

At present Cornerstone is open Monday - Saturday 10am - 1pm for local and surplus food sharing and we provide food support and referrals to support organisations, including Citizens Advice,  for those needing help for a period of time. We are funded solely by donations and grants. 

If you'd like to get in touch please email 

Jo Paton

Deborah Longshaw
👍 3

Wed 30 Mar 2022, 21:23

I agree that CAB are doing their bit but even they are over run and under resourced and yes their knowledge is finite, and I remember from when I worked at the Witney branch when it came to Benefits we always would recommend clients speak to the Jobcentre (I have to admit not sure if that is even open now) since the requisite for claiming certain benefits can be quite complicated.
It would be good therefore to have one place - a starting point - for those desperate for help, support and answers. A friendly face, and if an ‘expert’ is not available in person, then maybe a ‘Zoom’, ‘Skype’ or ‘FaceTime’ call, as someone else suggested. 

As Claire stated the most pressing issue to start with is to support those in our community who will be hardest hit come 1st April in regards to energy bills.  Thankfully we are coming into our Spring/Summer (although the weather hasn’t quite got that message -yet). If we can get this established now, then hopefully, come Autumn/Winter we will have an idea of those who will be at real risk. 

Emily also mentioned the Ukraine immigrants who may also be forming part of our community, the hub will be vital to enable them to settle and start making lives for themselves. Let’s show them what real UK hospitality is.

Harriet Baldwin
👍 4

Wed 30 Mar 2022, 15:04

Suzie maybe CA have read up on UC and self employment, but when I went to see them they knew nothing about how it works. It's not the same as when you're employed and claiming UC, and if Cornerstone are going to offer UC advice whoever is doing it needs to make sure they appreciate the difference. 

Susie Finch
(site admin)
👍 6

Wed 30 Mar 2022, 13:12

Just to let you know that Citizens Advice are doing calls by phone if appropriate and you really only have to attend if its imperative.  I work at CA once a week so know!  Anyone is free to ring the Adviceline which is 0808 278 7908 and then go from there.  Help with advice on UC, energy bills, food vouchers etc.

Emily Algar
👍 2

Wed 30 Mar 2022, 09:36 (last edited on Wed 30 Mar 2022, 09:43)

I think having the hub open on a Saturday morning would be beneficial as Harriet says. Not everyone can take time off during the week. Also, perhaps having the option of getting in touch by phone or over Zoom.

Also, given that Charlbury may be hosting refugees from Ukraine, having a hub available so they can have any questions they might want answered such as navigating Home Office visa forms, applying for jobs (I know this part is unclear right now), registering at a GP surgery etc. 

Obviously a lot of this is dependent on the volunteers, their availability and what their expertise is in. 

Deborah Longshaw
👍 1

Tue 29 Mar 2022, 20:40

Great start, hopefully we can keep the ideas & offers of help coming!

Here’s to getting the Charlbury Caring Community Hub up and running. 

Please do not hesitate to message me as well.

vicky burton
👍 3

Tue 29 Mar 2022, 15:04 (last edited on Wed 30 Mar 2022, 08:15)

Great idea, indeed I was also under the impression that the Cornerstone was to be some sort of learning hub as Emily said. 

I'd be happy to volunteer a little time on a regular basis if others would also.

Harriet Baldwin
👍 5

Tue 29 Mar 2022, 14:58

It'd be useful if this could be at the weekend occasionally as I can't be the only person who is working full time plus has full time caring responsibilities and has found that there is less support than ever available. 

Claire Wilding
👍 3

Tue 29 Mar 2022, 13:43

Advice and help with energy saving could be part of it, as that's going to be the biggest pressure for many people.  

Emily Algar
👍 2

Tue 29 Mar 2022, 11:56

I think there was an idea for the Cornerstone to be used as a learning hub of sorts with some of things you mentioned included but I'm not sure whether there was enough people to volunteer or if priorities had shifted. Jo Paton who organised the food bank at the Cornerstone might be the person to speak to?

I do agree that something like this is very much needed in Charlbury. 

Deborah Longshaw
👍 7

Tue 29 Mar 2022, 10:24

Like most people I am dreading 1st April & the subsequent massive hikes in all bills. You only need to go online or pick up a paper to be aware that, with little help from our caring Government, many are going to be really, really struggling. That said, as in the Pandemic, already there are signs of people coming together to help one another. 
Thus I am putting this on here as a germ of an idea that could maybe be built on:- 

Charlbury, as a community has a whole plethora of residents with lots of useful skills. I remember when I worked for a while with the Citizens Advice Bureau, at one point they did ‘Outreach’ clinics, mainly based in Library’s, to connect with residents stuck in rural areas without access to transport or limited transport. I am just wondering could we not organise a similar project pulling together, those with legal, administrative, financial & other skills to help & support anyone struggling to get through these tough, tough time. A ‘drop in’ Clinic could run maybe once or twice a week based in either the Library, Memorial Hall or Corner House. Offering advice, support - or even just a sympathetic ear. I really feel so strongly the only way we are going to make it through is by coming together as a community.

Would love to hear what others think &, hopefully, get this off the ground. 

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