Injured Rook

Emily Algar
👍 1

Tue 22 Mar 2022, 17:55

The rook has hopped from our garden on Hundley Way on Sunday to a neighbour's garden. We have called Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue who said to try and catch it and they will send someone out to collect the bird. Unfortunately the rook has had other ideas has now been in another neighbour's garden, and has now been spotted on the wall near the allotments opposite Hundley Way.

It clearly is managing not being able to fly for the time being but could people keep their eye out especially those of you who have an allotment to make sure it doesn't end up in a greenhouse/shed. 

The contact number of Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue is 07549 322464 if anyone does manage to catch it.

K Harper

Sun 20 Mar 2022, 12:42

Possibly see the post from Friday about a bird of prey . . .?  Kris

Lesley Algar

Sun 20 Mar 2022, 11:38

I have a Rook with an injured wing in my garden. Does anyone know how to help?

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