Wild garlic

Pauline Eagling

Sat 26 Mar 2022, 11:35

Helen, just read the article.  Shame people feel the need to over forage especially when it is a business doing it and destroy this beautiful tasting plant.  Just need a little to flavour my scones and put in some butter for the freezer.

Helen Datson

Fri 25 Mar 2022, 13:10

Wild garlic foraging in the news today!


Harriet Baldwin
👍 6

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 13:53

The plant in the churchyard, playing close and allotments is few flowered leek (Allium paradoxum), not three cornered leek (Allium triquetrum), it's still fairly invasive and probably not what you want in your garden. It's also not wild garlic (Allium ursinum), but it does have the garlic flavour so you'll be doing everyone a favour by using it!

Jim Holah
👍 1

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 12:14

There's lots on Enstone Rd allotments.  I'm sure no one will mind if you harvest some.

Pauline Eagling

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 12:07

Christine, thank you, maybe I will try it.  Wild garlic is also very invasive and I love to cook with it.  Also good to chop finely, add to butter and freeze, then it lasts all year.

Christine Battersby
👍 3

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 11:06

If three-cornered leek will do instead, St Mary's Churchyard is one of many places being taken over by this menace. Also edible, and horribly invasive. Smells like garlic. 

But you should probably ask first -- especially because you should never pick or eat plants that may have had pesticides or chemicals used on them.

Wild Garlic has been struggling due to over-foraging and also due to the dreaded three-cornered-leek, so prefer the leek -- and find, destroy, cook and enjoy!

john h
👍 1

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 10:49

I think some grows on the Playing Close by the fountain.  John H

Pauline Eagling

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 10:05

Hi, does anyone know where I can forage or buy wild garlic?  

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