Fundraising for Marie Curie

Juliette Wells Gray
👍 3

Thu 3 Mar 2022, 18:03


I hope this is okay to post here, I am a student from Charlbury and wanted to put out a post sharing my fundraising for the charity Marie Curie. To do this, I am planning on trekking to Everest Base Camp in August 2022 for Marie Curie and hope to raise as much as possible!

With March being a significant month for Marie Curie, I thought it would be important to fundraise and offer support during the Great Daffodil Appeal and National Day of Reflection (23rd of March). With this, I will be running the Hampton Court Half Marathon on the 20th, as well as collecting around London this month with the hope to raise some money. I have included more information on my fundraising page and some insight to why I want to do this as well as the work and support Marie Curie provide:

Any help or donations would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks for reading,


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