So what are we doing for Ukraine?

Father Clive Dytor

Wed 23 Mar 2022, 12:46

It is very frustrating trying to help with accommodation! St Teresa’s has  a parish house free for three months which has been offered but I have discovered from the official guidelines that 6 months is the minimum. There must be a sound reason behind this but I would  have thought that 3 months could give some respite to the poor suffering people we see on the news, freezing and frightened.

This Friday, the Feast of the Annunciation, Pope Francis is consecrating Ukraine and Russia to The Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace and asking anyone who can to join him quietly wherever they are in prayer. St Teresa’s remains open with the icon Our Lady of Kyiv for any who want to light a candle and sit in a peaceful place willing this terrible conflict to end.

Angela Gwatkin

Mon 21 Mar 2022, 19:56

Or to sign up directly to CRAG mailing list use:

Angela Gwatkin

Mon 21 Mar 2022, 19:51

Correction to the email address given below. Please use:

Angela Gwatkin
👍 1

Mon 21 Mar 2022, 12:41

If you’d like to know what CRAG (Charlbury Refugee Action Group) is doing you can join our mailing list to get regular updates:

There’s a meeting on Friday at 8pm for anyone thinking of hosting a refugee family or individual but who isn’t sure how to go about it. Full details on the Events page.

Gareth Epps
👍 4

Fri 18 Mar 2022, 11:45

Having been over to Carterton yesterday to make donations to the appeal run by WODC, I wonder if we need a thread here so journeys can be shared and Charlbury residents can give as needed?  However, the collection centre may not be open beyond today so we should keep an eye on which has useful resources.  Many centres have found themselves overwhelmed by donations; I’m not party to any discussions the management of the Corner House or Community Centre may have had.

CRAG has helpfully posted at and Cllr Andy Graham posted about hosting refugees at

If people would like the Town Council to approach landowners, they should write formally via the Clerk.  As Paul Jackson has found with Greene King, the condition of any accommodation is a factor.  The Town Council meets on 30 March; I’m only one councillor, but I’m sure others would be happy to facilitate any realistic action that we can take.

vicky burton
👍 2

Thu 17 Mar 2022, 20:33

Thank you so much for trying Father Clive.

Regarding Councillors who read and contribute to this forum, have any of them contributed to this thread? 

Father Clive Dytor
👍 1

Thu 17 Mar 2022, 18:06

I have talked with Dr Charles Lane who owns the house in Sheep street and he is unable to help at this point.

Christine Battersby

Thu 17 Mar 2022, 15:30

Really pleased that you have passed the details on, Vicky. But there are also other Councillors who read and contribute to this forum, and who might also care to be involved. Perhaps others also who know the owner or who have been in touch with OHL.

The Rothchilds are incredibly proud of their Kindertransport heritage, as I know through one of the children -- later an eminent American Professor of Literature at Yale -- who were housed at Waddesdon during the war. And it seems to me quite likely that the family might like to continue this heritage.

Of course it is a long shot, and refugees can't be housed in unsafe accommodation. But it is surely an option worth exploring via the Town Council or other interested parties.

vicky burton
👍 1

Thu 17 Mar 2022, 14:27

I have passed the phone number to Liz Leffman and Father Clive Dytor as they are the only "official" people I know of that use this forum. I trust that between them they will make contact on behalf of the Charlbury Community. 

Christine Battersby
👍 5

Thu 17 Mar 2022, 09:38

There has been some discussion of whether The Old Farm House in Sheep Street might provide a suitable temporary home for Ukrainian refugees. But it has been suggested in the Debate Section of this Forum that the Farmhouse has at last been sold.

It's true that the property is no longer advertised as being for sale on the John D. Wood Estate Agent website, but is is still there on the website of Ashton Estate and that of OHL Ltd who manage the Ashton land: ;

Given the longstanding links between the Rothschild family and war refugees (especially the children rescued from Nazi Germany via the Kindertransport), it's perhaps not to fanciful to suggest the house as a possible home for refugees. Especially since Maidenhead Rabbi Jonathan Romain is organising ‘Ukrainetransport’ for refugees. And perhaps, indeed, the Rothschild family has already thought of this.

Is there anyone in the town -- perhaps associated with the Deli (also owned by the Ashton Estate) -- in touch with OHL? Or perhaps somebody who puts exhibitions on in the pop-up gallery in Sheep Street which they control? I see the freehold of the Deli is still also up for sale.

If there is anyone, or if there is a Town Councillor, who would be willing to approach the Ashton Estate about this, perhaps they could let people know. Or, of course, it might be the case that the Old Farm House has actually been sold, and that would also be worth finding out.

If nobody comes forward, I will telephone the legal owner myself. I have just now been passed the name and the mobile number of the legal owner. But really it would be much better coming from somebody who knows him -- and better still from an official channel.

Valerie Stewart
👍 1

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 20:45

Is it possible to leave contributions in the Corner House?

Also: I've put together loads of toothpaste, deodorants, disinfectant wipes, soap, etc. but would it be inappropriate to add some little bottles of cologne scent (fresh, definitely not sexy)?  I can answer the question two ways - either it's patronising and frivolous, or it's a little boost to the self-esteem.  

Paul J Jackson
👍 3

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 18:38

I had an email from Phil Arnold, Greene King Pub Partners Operations Director. Looks as though the Bell isn't an option for them. This is what he said:

Thank you for your letter to Greene King CEO Nick Mackenzie recently enquiring about using the Bell Hotel in Charlbury to house…

Long post - click to read full text

Simon Himmens-Warrick
👍 4

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 15:26

Thanks Vicky, within minutes of posting someone very kindly offered to come and collect them. They are on they way to Ukraine tomorrow I believe. Yay! 

vicky burton
👍 2

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 09:54 (last edited on Wed 16 Mar 2022, 11:31)

Simon bring them to 10 Woodfield Drive to Dawn. 

Roll-on deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste and pain killers are also being requested. These are now being flown out of Brize. Any questions ask Dawn. Thank you all!

Simon Himmens-Warrick
👍 3

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 09:01

Does anyone know where to donate medical equipment locally? 

I've several large boxes of catheter bags etc left over unused from illness last year. I was about to take them to the tip but suspect they maybe useful in Ukraine. 

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 2

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 08:20

[I’ve moved several postings which were going off in a different direction into a new thread on the Debate board, so as not to divert from the main point of what we can do for Ukraine right now.]

Helena Cullen
👍 7

Fri 11 Mar 2022, 20:16

One thing we can do in solidarity with all refugees is to write to our local MP to voice opposition to the nationality and borders bill that is currently going back to parliament having suffered defeats in the Lords. The bill is set to criminalise those seeking asylum and breaches the refugee convention, if it were in force now this is how it would affect those making their way to the UK without a visa: Robert Courts is a supporter of the bill and has consistently voted against refugee rights, including the rights of unaccompanied children to reunite with their families. I don't imagine for a minute we will change his mind but I think he should know that there are many in his constituency that oppose it. 

Helen C
👍 1

Wed 9 Mar 2022, 19:46 (last edited on Thu 10 Mar 2022, 17:03)

*update-a van has now been offered*
I heard today that the Ukrainian Society of the University of Oxford are in need of some help this Saturday. They are collecting specific items to send which are difficult to come by or buy locally in Ukraine/Romania now, hence the transport from UK, through one of the charity partners. They  are looking for a van/lorry and driver to move the items down to London from Oxford on Saturday to meet the onward transport to Ukraine. If anyone would like to help or know more the website with contact info and Facebook page with details of items being collected this week is here:

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 9 Mar 2022, 16:22

I suspect Liz's "pre-wall fall" consciousness might be all too relevant what with all the last generation of apparatchiks who now hold power in the kleptocracy showing their true colours. I had a brief interaction with some nascent projects just after the wall fall in Moscow, but extracted myself pronto when it became clear just what sort of people were muscling in on anything mooted. And pulled out toot dee sweet before losing any major money. Somebody said that capitalism is a system whereby, it is maintained, that the worst sort of people, with the worst sort of motivations, manufacture the best possible situations for the most amount of people.

Ben Dytor
👍 3

Wed 9 Mar 2022, 12:28

Dawn, from 10 Woodfield drive is kindly collecting things for newborns to send to Ukraine. She has a box outside her house where people can drop things off.

Tim Crisp
👍 16

Wed 9 Mar 2022, 08:38

The proceeds of the recent sale of the Southill honey, just over £300, have been donated by our beekeeper, Tom Worsley, to the Ukrainian appeal.

Rob Stepney
👍 9

Tue 8 Mar 2022, 18:41

We sent a friend in Lviv a photograph of the Corner House flying the Ukrainian flag and had this reply......

thank you very much for your support!!! and for picture of Ukrainian flag - your solidarity touches us deeply and gives us strenght!

embracing you warmly, Oleh

Katie Ewer
👍 7

Mon 7 Mar 2022, 15:42

MSF are an amazing charity and do fantastic work in some of the most difficult situations in the world. A donation to them is always going to be well spent.

Christine Battersby
👍 2

Mon 7 Mar 2022, 15:01

Malcolm, if you go to DEC Ukraine appeal, you will see the 15 Charities linked to it listed, and clicking on the links you can see what their goals and finances are. One of the Charities is the British Red Cross. All the 15 Charities list running costs etc.

The DEC appeal has raised £100m for its Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal in just four days, including the Government's £20 million top up matching funding.

Since there is now no additional matching funds being added by the Government, you might want to choose a different charity. CRAG lists several on their Charlbury website, or you might prefer Médecins Sans Frontières - Ukraine Crisis -- which does (as ever) provide a detailed account (with photos) of what they are doing in the Ukraine and neighbouring countries. They prefer general donations for emergency services, rather than ones targeted specifically to the Ukraine.

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Mon 7 Mar 2022, 13:20 (last edited on Mon 7 Mar 2022, 13:24)

Why is Tory Bori* Liar being so darned slow at stopping the routes for ££ .funds to haemorrhage out of Britain?

He must be the luckiest PM for decades because now a shooting war has totally diverted attention from Partygate and other much more important issues about nefarious activities and network relationships.

If giving financial aid is the most useful thing that we, in our safe rural environment, can give: is there a clear and transparent “where” or “to whom “ to direct it to? Has anyone published a list of funds and their aims to enable “us’ to decide where to direct our little bit of “help”?

The helplessness and inadequacy of what “ I” can do to “help “ is so painfully apparent to most of us I suspect. But there must be something that can make a material contribution?

Could there be setup a Charlbury and Area coordination “page” to try and pull the different strands into one place or access point. (And really do question if an organisation like Facebook should have anything to do with the work for our area.

vicky burton
👍 1

Mon 7 Mar 2022, 11:21

Glad to see Pope Francis is doing his bit Father Clive!

Father Clive Dytor
👍 3

Mon 7 Mar 2022, 11:16

The icon Our Lady of Kyiv is mounted in St Teresa’s and there are candles by her for anyone to come and say a prayer for the suffering people of Ukraine. The church is open 8.15 am to 5.15 pm every day. There is a Mass at 9.30-10 am every day during the week and we are offering each one up in this terrible time for an end to the war.

Everyone is invited to come and light a candle to show solidarity. Mother of God, Our Lady of Ukraine pray for us.

Charlie M
👍 10

Mon 7 Mar 2022, 11:01 (last edited on Fri 11 Mar 2022, 19:37)

I would just like to say that I feel so proud to see the flag of Ukraine flying on what is effectively Charlbury's Town Hall. 
I shared the picture on Facebook, where it has been seen and admired across the planet.
As a result of Russia's outrage, I believe and hope that the flag of Ukraine has become - and will remain - a symbol of freedom, heroism and resistance to evil everywhere. 

Liz Reason
👍 3

Mon 7 Mar 2022, 10:08

Someone has just pointed out that I actually referred to "Soviet" aggression in my post above about the Ukrainian flag!  I have now edited that to "Russian".  Of course.  My excuse is that I have a degree in Russian and recently the Russian for 'CCCP" has been rolling round my head.  In English that would be 'SSSR', of which the second S stands for Sovietski!

vicky burton
👍 3

Sun 6 Mar 2022, 13:49

It would be a gesture of solidarity to see some displayed elsewhere too perhaps your own windows. Several delivery drivers around here are from Eastern Europe and I know for a fact that even this small gesture means so much..

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 3

Sun 6 Mar 2022, 12:23 (last edited on Sun 6 Mar 2022, 12:23)

And thank you to Paddy Gallagher for putting it up (the flag, that is, not the news posting).

Liz Reason
👍 5

Sun 6 Mar 2022, 12:05 (last edited on Mon 7 Mar 2022, 10:05)

Waiting for my news posting to go up showing the Ukrainian flag flying from the Corner House.  No more than a gesture but one which the town council felt would reflect the feelings of residents of Charlbury in the face of the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

G Clarke
👍 1

Thu 3 Mar 2022, 19:18 (last edited on Thu 3 Mar 2022, 23:29)

If you are organising cake sales etc. then you might want to consider donating the proceeds via

Also the following from Ukrainians themselves with a series of suggestions for things to do and ways to help:

vicky burton
👍 2

Thu 3 Mar 2022, 12:58

I presumed that CRAG would be organising something that we could all contribute to. I hope everyone is exerting whatever sphere of influence you have, to stop this invasion and help the innocent people. 

Cheryl Horsey
👍 5

Thu 3 Mar 2022, 12:33

I have just asked Janet Burroughs (on behalf of Scouts) if we could have a cake stall at the Farmers Market next week - but happy to be involved in any wider Charlbury-based activity!

Emily Algar
👍 1

Thu 3 Mar 2022, 12:10

I have been thinking, alongside personal donations, perhaps Charlbury could organise a community fundraiser (a cake sale for instance) for Ukraine and send the proceeds from that to one or a few charities? The TC could be the ones to decide on the charity or charities and handle the financial side of things.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Thu 3 Mar 2022, 11:41

I agree that money is the better choice for donations. 

But the Polish community in Banbury is saying they need volunteers (including people to drive vans from supermarkets to their collection centre), and has also asked for surgical clothes, sterile gloves, tactical tourniquets, veneers for vents, needles, syringes and medicines of all sorts. Other required items can be seen here:

They have organised lorries going across, but the last drop off day is (for the time being) Friday March 4th. After that they ask people to hold on to donations until the next lorries are organised.

You can read the story in the Banbury Guardian, and their facebook page is here:

Nikki Rycroft
👍 1

Thu 3 Mar 2022, 11:23

I absolutely agree.  Driving to Reading with a few donations does not seem to be a very efficient way to help ( and is not good for the planet)

Claire Wilding
👍 5

Thu 3 Mar 2022, 10:22

I would suggest sending money rather than goods if at all possible because goods are expensive to transport. If you send money, aid agencies can purchase exactly what they need in Poland, Romania and other countries receiving the refugees. That means the businesses in those countries get some benefit too. 

Gareth Epps

Thu 3 Mar 2022, 07:21

Donations are being collected but in a limited way.

Reading Ukrainian Community Centre has just posted:

We will be open on Saturday 5th March between 10am and 3pm but can only accecpt the following items. • Large/Medium Backpacks

• Warm Male Socks

• Camping Mats

• SleepingBags

• Blankets

• Protein/Energy Bars

• Painkillers

• Anti Flu Meds

• Wound Dressing Materials

• First Aid Kits

• Baby Food

• Nappies/Sanitary Supplies

• Toothbrushes/Toothpaste

Nikki Rycroft
👍 6

Wed 2 Mar 2022, 18:15

The Disaster Emergency Committee is probably the most effective way to donate/ help Ukraine, as the government will match donations  £ for £ .  Just announced.

Madeleine Algar
👍 1

Wed 2 Mar 2022, 15:51 (last edited on Fri 4 Mar 2022, 12:55)

There are other rallies going on for the rest of this week and into the weekend if anyone would like to show their support in a different way. I have posted it below.

The website was provided by University of Oxford Ukrainian Society in case anyone is suspicious 

* Another rally in Oxford this Sunday. Details in the link

Helen C
👍 1

Wed 2 Mar 2022, 12:21 (last edited on Wed 2 Mar 2022, 12:22) in Oxford until Thursday - Info in the link

Andrew Chapman
👍 2

Tue 1 Mar 2022, 10:55

Maybe the Guardian's online stuff reflects its international reach. The printed paper on Saturday had a whole page ad for donations through UNHCR.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Tue 1 Mar 2022, 08:53 (last edited on Tue 1 Mar 2022, 08:54)

Thank you, Paul. Not sure why the Guardian is privileging US-based charities for giving to Ukraine. Lesley Algar's post below lists a variety of charities based in the UK, as well as some in the Ukraine and other countries. Choose a UK based charity if you want Gift Aid to be added to your donation.

I think the BBC article on helping is more useful: More established UK charities include UNHRC Ukraine appeal and Care International, as well as the British Red Cross. 

Paul J Jackson

Tue 1 Mar 2022, 08:12

To add to others' earlier posts, this is taken from the Guardian on what we can do in the UK to support Ukraine.

Support local charities

There are several Ukrainian charities working on the ground. Sunflower of Peace is a charity that helps paramedics and doctors, and has been fundraising for supplies, which includes first aid medical tactical backpacks.

United Help Ukraine focuses on providing medical supplies and humanitarian aid, and raising awareness of the conflict.

Voices of Children aims to help children affected by the war in eastern Ukraine, providing support through art therapy, psychologists, video storytelling and a number of other methods.

The British Red Cross has launched an emergency appeal to help Ukraine. The charity will be updating its webpage with news on the work its team is doing, and how support will be used to help people.

Support local journalism

English-language news outlets based in the country, such as Kyiv Independent and the New Voice of Ukraine, are covering developments on the ground as the conflict unfolds, using local journalists. The Kyiv Independent says it was created by journalists in order to defend editorial independence. This site on Twitter covers many local journalists in Ukraine. This GoFundMe link shows how you can donate to keep Ukrainian media going.

Jean Adams
👍 2

Mon 28 Feb 2022, 20:10 (last edited on Mon 28 Feb 2022, 21:12)

There must be something we can contribute for the fleeing families. Clothes, bedding and blankets, towels, and tinned foods . I heard them say . Are there collection places nearby? Can we fill a plane at Brize for an airdrop where the refugees are now? 

Paul J Jackson
👍 2

Mon 28 Feb 2022, 19:41

Given all the empty rooms at the Bell, maybe we could put up a few refugee families. Even the Corner House has space. And I'm sure there's enough surplus furniture in town to furnish it. 

Emily Algar
👍 2

Mon 28 Feb 2022, 10:14

For those of you who attended the protest yesterday in Oxford, both the BBC and the Oxford Mail covered the protest.

Lesley Algar
👍 4

Sun 27 Feb 2022, 15:44

Below are a list of places you can donate to/volunteer for that was put together by University of Oxford Ukrainian Society.

I don't know if anyone else attended the protest against the war in Oxford today, but there were a lot of really moving, heartbreaking speeches given by students who have family in Kyiv. Absolutely devastating but they seem hopeful.


Alice Brander
👍 4

Sun 27 Feb 2022, 15:41

Mrs Patel has just proudly announced that she has closed the legal visa routes.  Sanctions against oligarchs have been put on hold. 

How about the immediate closure to Russia of the Swift banking transfer system by all UK banks and financial institutions? The freezing of assets held anonymously in the UK?  The immediate passing of the Economic Crime Bill that our Government has been sitting on for many years?  There must be lots of things we can do that would be far more effective than vigils and sticky plaster.

Claire Wilding
👍 2

Sun 27 Feb 2022, 10:59

The red cross has a Ukraine crisis appeal:

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 4

Sun 27 Feb 2022, 09:24 (last edited on Sun 27 Feb 2022, 09:24)

There’s a protest in Oxford at 1pm today (Sunday):

Paul J Jackson
👍 6

Sat 26 Feb 2022, 21:43

Is anything planned, however symbolic, to show our support for the people of Ukraine? Is something happening elsewhere in West Oxon?

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