Brian Murray |
Thu 24 Feb 2022, 08:18 Jean, try Dan Hedges who is in Stonesfield. His did some excellent work for us and a neighbour opposite. His number is 07909 268807. |
Christine Battersby |
Wed 23 Feb 2022, 16:27 Jean, if you are submitting an insurance claim, you may need to get more than one quotation. I suggest you talk to your insurance company. They may also have a list of preferred contractors, and might want you to buy the fencing through the contractor rather than buying it yourself. I thought I had a recommendation for you, but sadly see that Eynsham Park Sawmill is now permanently closed. |
Jean Adams |
Wed 23 Feb 2022, 13:56 I can order new fencing but need it professionally fitted. Part of an Insurance.claim. |
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