Wanted: one or two plastic temporary hardback book covers

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 11 Feb 2022, 15:52 (last edited on Fri 11 Feb 2022, 20:50)

Wanted: one or two plastic temporary hardback book

Or could split a share of covers from a 5 or 10 pack with others?

I've started getting second-hand hardback books from ABE Books (thanks to John P at the Cornerhouse books for the source tip-off) as the hardbacks are  - usually - have bigger type on better, whiter, paper than cheap paperback. Good for an ageing eye to read. For the history, politics and economics, and science/technology I usually am interested in, they are usually very cheap too!

Most of these hardbacks come with nice dust covers. To protect them while being moved around rooms whilst being read, a temporary plastic cover would be nice. But I can't find anything new except packs of 10x! I only need one or two otherwise it will be a waste. Anyone got any 246 to 248mm (9 1/2 or so inches) sized cover or two going spare? Don't have to be pristine condition for my simple need!

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