Looking for a new home in Charlbury?

Gareth Epps
👍 2

Fri 11 Feb 2022, 22:03

It was humour, Christine.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Fri 11 Feb 2022, 21:39

Gareth, it's Charlbury, but obviously a town not a village. You can look on Chancellors' website and you can see it. 

Gareth Epps
👍 2

Fri 11 Feb 2022, 20:34

Which village would this be?

Christine Battersby

Fri 11 Feb 2022, 20:05 (last edited on Fri 11 Feb 2022, 20:06)

James, the advertised terraced cottage is 1880ish Cotswold stone -- part of the conversion of the old glove factory. 

However, Sarah has messaged me to say that Chancellors are saying that the cottage has been sold, even though it's still advertised as for sale on their website and also on the signboard (or was, at least, when I last walked past a few days ago).

The Google Live View shows a different cottage by the way. It's not possible to view the cottage from the street. 

There are old 3-4 bedroom Cotswold stone cottages outside the centre of town, and many would be substantially cheaper than £900k. 

James Norris

Fri 11 Feb 2022, 19:13

You’re quite right, Christine, a 1970s-1990s built 3-bed certainly won’t cost the same as the Pounds Hill place. However, the inclusion of ‘traditional’ suggests the desire is for a Cotswold Stone cottage like are found on Sheep/Church/Market Streets or around the Playing Close. That’s the Charlbury people fall for and aspire to (until they see the price at least).

Wendy Bailey

Fri 11 Feb 2022, 18:47

Are you interested in buying or rental. Message me privately via mail box.

Christine Battersby

Fri 11 Feb 2022, 17:09

Sarah, there is a 3 bed end-of-terrace cottage for sale for £425,000 through Chancellor's, about 8 minutes walk  from the Co-op -- nothing to do with me by the way. It's been on the market since October. Of course you might think it too small for you, or deem it otherwise unsuitable. 

The Estate Agent in Charlbury does, in effect, zone the different areas of Charlbury, and price property accordingly. Nearer to the station and to the old centre of the town, the higher the prices that the Estate Agents' estimate. 

I don't think the £900k price for a house on Pounds Hill should be taken as too much of a guide. There are lots of houses outside the few central streets which are priced much more realistically, and many are only a very short walk from the town centre.

James Norris
👍 1

Fri 11 Feb 2022, 16:39 (last edited on Fri 11 Feb 2022, 16:40)

Best of luck, Sarah. 

Three and four-bed homes here are in high demand, so it’ll be a bit of a bun fight when that house comes up, especially if a traditional cottage. I doubt you’ll get much movement through posting about it here, as sellers will want the maximum sale price.

To give you an idea of what you might be looking at when it does, a three-bed on the edge of town just sold for £900k 😳

Sarah Reay
👍 2

Fri 11 Feb 2022, 15:13

Hello Everyone,

Yesterday, whilst walking around Charlbury, a prominent member of your community suggested that I place a post on the Forum, so here I go. My name is Sarah Reay and I recently discovered your beautiful village and with its vibrant community life, I think it would be perfect for me. I have been looking for a new house for the last year and a half without success. I would very much like to find a home for myself and my two grown up sons. I am looking for a three (or four) bedroomed house, traditional style, somewhere close to the centre of Charlbury with a small / medium-sized garden (I would eventually hope to have a plot at the allotments for growing fruit and vegetables). If I could only find a house in your area, I would look forward to being involved in many of the community groups. I am looking for a home, to be part of this small town and to be a permenant  member of this neighbourhood. As a farmer's daughter, I have a deep appreciation of the countryside and country life. So, if you are thinking of selling your house or if you know of anyone thinking of moving, perhaps you could remember me. I would very much like to hear from anyone who might be able to help me? Thank you for reading my post. Kind regards, Sarah Reay

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