Town council electric car club survey

James Styring
👍 1

Sat 26 Feb 2022, 17:16 (last edited on Sat 26 Feb 2022, 17:19)

Hi everyone, a reminder if you aren't one of the 150 who have already responded, to complete our electric car club survey at by 1 March 2022. Thanks!

Also, if you need a car sooner rather than later, check out David Green's car advertised on / His car is available now in Charlbury.

What's the difference?The Town Council is exploring the possibility of setting up a car club which would be run by a commercial organisation using their cars, allowing people from in and around Charlbury to rent electric vehicles on-demand, a bit like CommonWheels in Oxford. Hiyacar is different in that it's a scheme that allows car owners themselves to hire out their own cars. 

The net result is the same: fewer cars parked on the streets. If a lot of people were to advertise private cars on Hiyacar, the Town Council might not need to get a commercial organisation to set up with their own cars to rent.

James Styring
👍 2

Sun 6 Feb 2022, 09:21 (last edited on Sun 6 Feb 2022, 09:28)

Charlbury Town Council is exploring the possibility of setting up a car club, allowing people from in and around Charlbury to rent electric vehicles on-demand.  The idea is to have cars parked at locations around the town which members can rent by the minute, hour or day – and at short notice. Joining a car club could mean not needing to have your own car (or perhaps, not having a second car). With a subscription to a car club you can enjoy the convenience of access to a car when you need it without the hassle of ownership and at a much lower cost. 

Did you know?

• On average. it costs over £3,000 a year to run a petrol or diesel car – once you include insurance, tax, maintenance and fuel.

• A typical car loses over half of its value every 5 years!

• For many people, paying only when they actually use a car would save a lot of money – as well as being greener.

• Example cost if using electric car 4 hours a week plus 1 day per month = £1,606 per year.

Lots of towns and cities around the country have car clubs where residents can book from a range of modern cars, as and when they need them. Could this work in Charlbury too?  We would like to find out if there’s enough interest amongst residents for a car club to be viable, and if so, what type of electric vehicle they might use, and when.

Please help us by completing our survey at by 1 March 2022.  (For residents who are not online, paper surveys were delivered to all households in the town at the end of January.)

PS Please let us know what you think at rather than here.

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