
James Norris
👍 1

Wed 2 Feb 2022, 12:26

I trust a groundhog far more than a candle to predict the weather.

Charlie M

Wed 2 Feb 2022, 08:52

This is known as Groundhog Day across the Big Pond; tradition has it that a Pennsylvania groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil (I kid you not!) emerges from his winter burrow on this day, and if he sees his shadow (i.e. if it is sunny) he will be scared by this, and will return to his burrow for another six weeks, delaying the coming of Spring. If there is no shadow (if it is cloudy) , he emerges fully, and Spring starts now! 

So now I am off to find my treasured Groundhog Day t-shirt!

Father Clive Dytor
👍 3

Wed 2 Feb 2022, 07:23

Happy Candlemas to all. “ If Candlemass be fair and bright, Come Winter, have another flight. If Candlemass brings clouds and rain,Go,Winter,and not come again”.

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