Help needed with bookshelves, furniture shifting, etc.

Pauline Eagling

Fri 14 Jan 2022, 10:00

You could try  I used them for the fitting of my carpets and was extremely pleased, the guy helped me a lot and went out of his way to help.  You place your ad and various companies or individuals reply, like an invitation to tender.  You can check reviews before deciding.

Valerie Stewart
👍 1

Mon 10 Jan 2022, 12:23

I need someone to help me put up lots of bookshelves, collect my piano from storage, move the furniture about to accommodate it, make my kitchen more user-friendly (either complete new worktop or something to bridge the gap).  It's a small flat and I'm a bookworm downsized from a big house; also I don't really do nimble or bendy.  Any recommendations gladly received, thank you. 

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