Charlbury Society Lecture tonight

Nikki Rycroft
👍 2

Fri 7 Jan 2022, 15:57

Ah......I did not make the connection . But now I understand from her the email was not sent which would explain why we didn’t respond. 

So for the future (and to avoid any more miscommunication !) please see below......

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 7 Jan 2022, 15:07

It wasn't me who sent you the request, it was my wife who emailed the query in the morning and hadn't seen anything by the time the meet started. She was also going to organise the subs so had sent that in, too. No reply by 8pm.  :-(

I seem to recall meets weren't recorded because speakers wanted fees to do their presentations.

Nikki Rycroft
👍 4

Fri 7 Jan 2022, 10:44

Hi Malcolm

I am sorry you missed such an excellent lecture last night, Jean had been sent the link as she is a member on Tuesday along with everyone else, and described it as enthralling ! 

We have no record of you having contacted us recently, although the treasurer replied to your post on the 6 th December giving you full details of how to join the Society. So we are not sure what you mean by having sent emails to a couple of addresses with no response.

Alongside that we always post on Events around 2 weeks before the talk as you will have seen, and there are numerous posters around town all giving details of how to join the talk, which is easy to do.  Please contact us if you wish to join and hear further talks this season

Malcolm Blackmore

Thu 6 Jan 2022, 21:26

Seems not- we’d sent emails to a couple of addresses for and never heard anything. Being once upon a time a full member of the “Airfix generation “ and enamoured of anything that flew (the noisier and faster the better) I just can’t help myself but am still being intrigued by military history and aerial military history in particular . Even though as I grew into adolescence and came to realise the “horridness “ of armed conflict, I can’t help but have that lift of excitement when the whistle of a Merlin engined Spitfire is heard overhead and the compulsion to look up and search the skies…

Jean Adams

Thu 6 Jan 2022, 15:51

No zoom link.?

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