Conservative leadership election

Nick Owen

Sat 10 Dec 2005, 17:50

Cameron replies.

I have been writing a number of open letters to David Cameron of late.There was a big meeting in the town where he promised to look into the cluster bombs left in Iraq.

I record here his response to my question about the use of WMD by our…

Long post - click to read full text

Katie R

Thu 17 Nov 2005, 09:40

I wrote to him earlier this year, and he wrote back very quickly. A good way of contacting various representatives is

Chris Tatton

Wed 16 Nov 2005, 21:46

Interested to hear that he is not replying to constituents letters so well of late. I sent him a letter concerning climatic change during the summer and never even got an acknowledgement.

Nick Owen

Mon 14 Nov 2005, 20:13

David cameron is rare among the politicians I have met in seeming a "good guy". His politics are pretty dreadful. He supported the war. He has been a very good constituency MP but he has stopped replying to my emails since the election race began

Igor Goldkind

Tue 8 Nov 2005, 12:05

Although I am diametrically opposed to Right Honourable David Cameron's politics and party, he was invaluable in the campaign to bring broadband to Charlbury by using his influence to lobby BT.

He seems to me to be someone who gets thing done which is exceptional in a politician, regardless of partisan politics.

Anyone who likes the Ramones can't be all bad.

Anna Fairhurst

Sun 9 Oct 2005, 21:25

What does everybody think about our MP possibly becoming leader of the Tory Party? I'm feeling bizarrely proud of him, even though I never voted for him! Do you think he'll have less time to spend on constituency matters, or might he give the country more awareness of rural issues?

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