A warning to Charlbury Visitors...

Simon Walker
👍 6

Wed 15 Dec 2021, 19:04

1256, and that's the truth,

'twas 'Enery the third,

not Charles the twoth.

John Dora
👍 4

Wed 15 Dec 2021, 17:57 (last edited on Thu 16 Dec 2021, 09:16)

A town not a village so why is that?

A Royal Charter as a matter of fact.

Unless you're the Railway who state with glee,

There's Charlbury Station, and Village, you see.

The latter for the odd Bus Replacement day,

When Trains don't run on the Permanent Way.

That's as stated on National Rail,

Their website says it, I'm sure it's a fail,

They should ask Henry III, as it was he,

Who granted the Charter, 13th centuree.

A fact we all know and broadcast as news:

"It's a Town!"; Charlburians are never confused!

Miles Walkden
👍 17

Mon 13 Dec 2021, 18:16

A health warning to Charlbury visitors:

Charlbury’s not a village it’s a town

forget and watch the locals frown

even the website tells you this

get it wrong and risk a Glasgow kiss

A town which new and old all love

built-up to make the humble glove

mispronounce it and betide your woed

you’ll be face down in the Evenlode

Not a village, all thanks to Henry the third

but would he have bother if he had heard

that calling it thusly, would often lead

tourists and visitor’s noses to bleed

While I recognise the important distinction

to avoid the ‘Town’s’ eventual extinction

should miscreants face, for their lack of decorum

thinly veiled threats on the Charlbury Forum?

As a humble incomer, my general reaction

to the complementary tourist’s infraction

is to opine “thank you, nice of you to say

here’s a tip to help with your stay

when you’re in the Rosie, to avoid blood spillage

remember, Charlbury a town, not a beautiful village”

(Tip - while in the Rosie, to end up not dead

Order a bitter, not lager, you pleb)

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