Wet leaves on pavements

Alan Cobb
👍 1

Wed 15 Dec 2021, 17:28

At least you can now appreciate the problems faced by Great Western and other rail operators in the leaf fall season!

Emily Algar
👍 4

Wed 15 Dec 2021, 10:51

My sister did spend a morning a couple of weeks ago clearing all the leaves outside the entrances to the park as you walk towards the Co-op. A man on his way down to the centre of town stopped to help and they were both there for a couple of hours or more. 

Given that WODC is not going to swoop in and remove the leaves, perhaps, like Brigid suggested, a working party should be put together. Or if residents see an accumulation of wet leaves and they have time, clear them up.

john h
👍 2

Tue 14 Dec 2021, 16:45

Not many of us remember Spotless and his workmate John H

Leah Fowler

Tue 14 Dec 2021, 09:12

Bring back Mr Tidmarsh (spotless) streets all swept! 

Graham Wisker

Mon 13 Dec 2021, 20:05 (last edited on Mon 13 Dec 2021, 20:06)

I slipped on leaves in the same vicinity but they were iced up, ended up with a broken knee and off work for 6 weeks. My wife was EXTREMELY happy to have me around! 

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 13 Dec 2021, 19:46

Some years ago I fell because of leaves on the pavement, just at the point where the path out of 9 Acres rec ground exits onto Enstone Road. Where there is a metal railing, no doubt to stop excited children running straight onto the road.

There was a deep pile…

Long post - click to read full text

Liz Leffman

Mon 13 Dec 2021, 18:48

In the past the Town Council has had a team of volunteers who swept the leaves and then liaised with WODC or Ubico to get them collected.  Not sure if this has been planned.

Mark Sulik
👍 1

Mon 13 Dec 2021, 09:35

With the lack of removal, drains are blocked. Do the leaves no longer get removed? Like the lack of hedge and grass cutting in the summer , is this just to save money ? Drain Maintainance - does this still happen ? 

Jean Adams
👍 1

Sun 12 Dec 2021, 19:17

I cannot remember a  year which has been worse for leaf fall. My garden is an absolute mess. Good luck asking WODC for help. 

Harriet Baldwin
👍 2

Sun 12 Dec 2021, 17:34

I fell over earlier and hit my head on the leaves on the Enstone road near the crossroads. Fortunately nothing broken, just more migraine lights than usual, but an older person than me wouldn't be so lucky. 

Brigid Sturdy
👍 2

Sun 12 Dec 2021, 17:00

I've noticed two particular places in Charlbury where rain-soaked fallen leaves have made a slippery coating on the pavements. One is along Hixet Wood from just past the Fiveways crossroads to the back gate into Lee Place.  The trees behind the Lee Place boundary wall have shed quantities of leaves over the pavement, into the gutter and over part of the road, making a worse mess than I remember from any other year. I have asked the Blenheim Estate office, by phone and email, if they would like to send someone to do a clearing-up job, but with no response or result. WODC seem uninterested in clearing anything apart from pavements in main thoroughfares, and don't touch roads. If anyone has a contact at Lee Place or Blenheim, might they perhaps succeed where I have failed?

The other, potentially dangerous place is on the left-hand (downhill) side of Dyers Hill below Church Lane, where a hazel hedge has shed its leaves over the pavement. I would be happy to join a working party to clear that stretch if anyone else were willing.

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