Planed delivery of Christmas Trees for brackets

Carolyn Connolly

Sun 5 Dec 2021, 17:16

Thanks Richard, I understood the same that Ascott was no longer a possibility. Janet Burroughs emailed me with contact details so I am pursuing that.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sun 5 Dec 2021, 11:27

The brackets were made by Wychwood Wrought Iron in Ascott but I believe Phil, the blacksmith, passed away last year.

Brackets are available on eBay:

Carolyn Connolly

Sat 4 Dec 2021, 13:23

Wonder if anyone can help our neighbour who would like to join us in Priory Lane in having a Christmas tree but has no bracket. Are there any available to buy and have fitted? Thanks

Janet Burroughs
👍 2

Sat 27 Nov 2021, 11:44

Thanks Tim. 

And many many thanks to the stalwart team of deliverers for braving the elements the morning. 

Fingers crossed, by the end of the morning all who have ordered a tree should have received one.

Tim Widdows
👍 1

Sat 27 Nov 2021, 11:12

Hey thanks to everyone involved  in getting the xmas trees out to us this morning much appreciated.

Janet Burroughs
👍 1

Sat 27 Nov 2021, 09:47

Hi Folks 

Update at 9.40am Saturday morning. 

 The team of volunteers are hoping to go ahead with the delivery this morning. Trailer load of trees on its way to Park Street. Going to discuss with the team in light of on-going weather conditions, which are currently not good.   

Janet Burroughs

Fri 26 Nov 2021, 23:10

It has been planned to deliver the trees to those who have requested them tomorrow (Saturday) morning. 

However, with Storm Arwen approaching the UK and severe weather warnings in place, and with the safety of those involved to be considered,  this may have to change. 

We will be monitoring the position and making a final decision in the morning. And will update on the Forum. 

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