Booster clinic today

Jan Going

Thu 16 Dec 2021, 07:54

I had my booster in Charlbury at the end of November and it was Pfizer.

Nikki Rycroft
👍 1

Thu 16 Dec 2021, 07:44

As far as I know, it will be Pfizer

Emily Algar

Wed 15 Dec 2021, 21:32

Nikki, do you know yet if it’s Pfizer or Moderna the surgery will be administering?

Steve Jones

Wed 15 Dec 2021, 17:05 (last edited on Wed 15 Dec 2021, 17:08)

Speaking as somebody who has been a volunteer car park marshal for most of the previous sessions, could I also urge that where possible, please walk to the location as car parking is limited and it's best used by those with mobility issues or who have to drive to Charlbury.

I would expect that with about 25m having had their booster by now, we are into a considerably younger demographic.

Unfortunately I'm not going to be available for the 23rd, but fingers crossed the weather will be good. Based on some previous sessions, there have been times when the queue was fairly long so be prepared; that area is not covered.

Nikki Rycroft
👍 3

Tue 14 Dec 2021, 17:23

CMC patients, please see News

Nikki Rycroft
👍 7

Mon 13 Dec 2021, 16:42

As promised, we have established this morning that the CMC  will be offering booster clinics very shortly, as soon as they are informed that they can obtain supplies of Covid vaccine. As explained, they are allocated vaccine from the centre, via the Primary Care Network. 

We aim to keep you updated regularly , so please look out for posts on News, and please do not phone the Practice to ask about vaccination , this will only delay patients trying to get through for urgent appointments. 

The Practice asks for your understanding during these extremely pressured few weeks. 

Deborah Longshaw
👍 1

Sun 12 Dec 2021, 20:11

So now BoJo has moved booster deadline by a month! So hopefully that might mean that our GP’s (maybe even Pharmacist) will get the vaccine & start vaccinating! I for one would very much like to see in Xmas & the New Year germ free!

I am imagining that the Medical Centre’s phone line will be red hot tomorrow. 

Josie Stone
👍 1

Sun 12 Dec 2021, 16:06

Luckily, after our wasted trip to Witney on Wednesday, we managed to schedule an appointment at Welch way for this week- great! 

No, not so great, as today we received an email cancelling the appointment with no reason given. I checked in on the NHS website to check the booking and yes, yes it has been cancelled. Frustrating to be given no reason or alternative date. 

Nikki Rycroft
👍 5

Sat 11 Dec 2021, 15:18 (last edited on Sat 11 Dec 2021, 15:19)

As previously explained, CMC are not able to ‘ choose’ whether to run Covid vaccination clinics. It is dependent on the allocation of vaccine to the Primary Care Network and their  agreement on which Practices will go ahead with clinics. 

We shall be checking again on Monday whether further clinics will take place, currently we believe the Tuesday clinic is for flu catch up.

Gareth Epps
👍 2

Sat 11 Dec 2021, 12:45

If the Government were instructing GPs to do booster clinics, the current instruction to the surgery as related to me yesterday is the opposite.  Which more or less fits in with the approach from this government that we’ve seen this week.

Deborah Longshaw
👍 3

Sat 11 Dec 2021, 10:29

So BoJo wants all of us to get Booster jabs ASAP! he apparently is making it as easy as possible for us all to be jabbed! Yeh, right!

I was shocked to discover that, my easy option, the Medical Centre was not currently doing any Booster clinics when I called about 4 weeks ago (little did I know that a couple of weeks later they would in fact run one with patients being contacted by phone!).

I am now stuck waiting until the 22nd December & will have to trawl into Oxford Boots to get one, costing me a valuable £10 (a lot at this time of year).

My situation is that I do not drive (ruling out Kidlington & Kassam), I also work at the Primary school (& they are currently struggling after teachers & pupils going down like skittles, being hit by a combination of Covid & Chickenpox) so cannot afford to take the time off it would have taken to get in & back by public transport to the walk-in clinic in Witney! So I am stuck doing my best to avoid (as much as I can in a gem laden primary school) going down with Omicron (I am also heading towards my 60’s). 

Apparently to make it as easy as possible for folks, the current info I am aware of is that GP’s are now being instructed to do more Booster clinics.

So come on Charlbury GP’s, please it is stressful enough at this time of year, give us another clinic. The previous one on the 23rd, as I mentioned, I was unaware of but even if contacted that day I was committed to supporting the school in escorting the children to the Panto in Chippy, so once again was thwarted in going! 

This is not what I call easy & I cannot be the only person in this situation.

Simon J Harley

Fri 10 Dec 2021, 18:43

I discovered when I booked mine that if you keep on signing in and out on the website that the options changed.  I eventually got a space in Exeter Hall in Kidlington on Tuesday. 

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 10 Dec 2021, 17:38

I’ve booked Evesham. First time round I was offered Worcester so this is better, I guess…

Alan Wilson
👍 1

Thu 9 Dec 2021, 14:13

It does seem to be quite a bit harder to get the booster than it was to get the first two jabs, with only occasional sessions at CMC, and the NHS booking site not currently offering anywhere nearer than Cirencester or Evesham.

Steve Jones
👍 2

Thu 9 Dec 2021, 11:44 (last edited on Thu 9 Dec 2021, 11:49)

According to the government website, then almost all booster vaccines being given are either Pfizer or Moderna. The AZ vaccine will only be used as a booster if the, for some reason (maybe allergic reaction) the individual concerned can't have either of the two RNA vaccines. Maybe due to the logistical issues involved with the RNA vaccines AZ is being used for the housebound too, but the government website doesn't mention that.

From what I understand the Pfizer vaccine is used in the vast majority of booster shots. All those at the CMC sessions were of that sort, and it's what I got in at Kassam stadium (after two AZ).

I would have thought that with the nature of walk-in, they'd do any compatibility checks at the time. The JCVI advice on the intervals before the booster have changed to 3 months, but that doesn't mean that they are accepting those as yet; it is still being done by age bands for the reason that the more vulnerable are being done first and there isn't the capacity to do all the younger age groups. From what I understand you will have to be within the invitation age bands.

I should add that I expect that there will be an Omicron-specific booster starting some time in the spring, so I guess we will be going through all this again in he first half of 2022.

nb. I got a spurious reminder from the NHS to get my booster as their records showed that I hadn't had mine yet, although I had. Also, when went to the booking site to check, that knew about my booster shot. I guess there are a few gremlins in the IT system.

Josie Stone
👍 2

Thu 9 Dec 2021, 08:04

We did go to the walk in @Witney and were turned away, they are only doing walk in boosters IF it has been 6 months since your second dose.  Which is clearly written on the NHS website- if you know where to look. Hoping this will change in line with the online booking time line.

Janet Sly

Wed 8 Dec 2021, 20:28

I was given Moderna in Witney on 2nd Dec

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Wed 8 Dec 2021, 19:16

My understanding is that the eligible under-50s are still being turned away from walk-in clinics.  The NHS website currently tells us that we can’t just turn up, in case the booster isn’t comparable with the vaccine we’ve had. It currently lists the closest clinic (by travel time) as somewhere in Evesham, nearly 30 miles away by rail.

It would be nice to have some useful information about how to get the booster for a change.

Josie Stone

Wed 8 Dec 2021, 17:07

Thank you Miranda

Miranda Higham
👍 1

Wed 8 Dec 2021, 17:00 (last edited on Wed 8 Dec 2021, 17:02)

I was given Pfizer there.

Josie Stone

Wed 8 Dec 2021, 16:49

I'm sorry if I missed this somewhere but could someone tell me what vaccine are they using at the Witney walk in centre please?

Hannen Beith

Tue 7 Dec 2021, 17:18

Thanks Nikki and Christine.

Apologies Nikki, I must have missed your post.  :-(

Anyway, I used my NHS App to order 7 lateral flow kits which will be delivered to my door!  Excellent service.

Steve Jones
👍 1

Tue 7 Dec 2021, 17:16

I simply ordered my lateral flow test kits online. They arrived very rapidly, which I suppose is apt.

Nikki Rycroft
👍 1

Tue 7 Dec 2021, 16:24

Hannen, I believe I posted that the Witney vaccination clinic was continuing to operate this week on News. The opening times have not changed from Richard's link. 

New type lateral flow tests are available in Averose. Only nasal swabs are required now, and it is a more sensitive test apparently.  Please continue to test regularly if you are out and about and meeting in groups or on public transport. 

Charlbury Medical Centre will be told if they are going to be allocated any vaccine over the next few weeks, very unlikely before Christmas , but it is not their decision whether to hold clinics or not. We are in close contact with them and will let you know as soon as we hear anything.

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Tue 7 Dec 2021, 13:59

Hannen, I posted this yesterday when a similar question was posed (but on a quite different thread):

You now need to scan a QR code (on a leaflet available in pharmacies), call 119 or go to to collect a rapid Covid-19 test.

Picking the leaflet up in 1 pharmacy does not restrict you to having to collect the code from that pharmacy. Apparently, the collect code will be sent by email or text & can also be printed.

I assume Charlbury pharmacy will have the tests, but don't know for certain.

Hope that helps.

Hannen Beith

Tue 7 Dec 2021, 13:14

Well, as nobody answered my question I interrogated the NHS website and it says (but don't hold me to it!) that the Witney pop up is open tomorrow (8 December) from 9.30 am until 7.00 pm.

Asking for a friend, as I had a lovely booster from the very efficient CMC a few weeks ago.

Does anyone know if the lovely Asim still has lateral flow kits please?

Thank you.  

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 1

Tue 7 Dec 2021, 10:15

The 1176.9 is per 100,000 – by the same basis, Christine’s figure of 67 becomes (100000/5573)*67 = 1202, suggesting it’s crept higher still.

Claire Wilding
👍 2

Tue 7 Dec 2021, 09:33

The data I'm looking at is the same map as Richard's and is only til 1 Dec.  I doubt it's gone down since then, judging by the state of the primary school.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 1

Tue 7 Dec 2021, 09:19

We have the 52nd highest covid rate in England, out of 6788 areas (using the data downloads from Yikes.

Adrian Hunter

Tue 7 Dec 2021, 09:07

Long post - click to read full text

Christine Battersby

Tue 7 Dec 2021, 08:54 (last edited on Tue 7 Dec 2021, 08:55)

Claire and I must have different covid case checkers. Mine shows a drop over the weekend, with nothing yet for Monday. Total = 67 for Charlbury and North Leigh over the last 7 days. Checker is here:

Perhaps Claire's checker includes the Monday figures which compensate for the lack of testing over the weekend.

The numbers for West Oxfordshire shows 645 as the total, and 1.3 as the growth rate for the last 7 days.

Claire Wilding
👍 2

Mon 6 Dec 2021, 23:08

Charlbury now showing almost off the scale on the local covid cases map, over 1,000 cases per 100,000 .

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Mon 6 Dec 2021, 22:33 (last edited on Mon 6 Dec 2021, 22:41)

Yes, omicron nearby. On the map it was marked as Crawley, but I don't know how accurate that is. But that is, perhaps coincidentally, also where a travel company is based.

Also lots of Covid in a more general kind of way, including 2 double-jabbed people I know - - both in their 30s. One of these, a family member, lives in Witney. Not all PCR tests pick up omicron, so we can't be sure how much of that is around. 

The boosters are I think currently offered to those aged 40+, if the 2nd jab was 5 months or more ago, and various other categories of people. 

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 6 Dec 2021, 21:43

What is the age range for the boost jab to be administered? I’ve got a daughter in a public facing job,  and at the height of the first wave(s) one deemed essential service etc. Back in those happy days of vaccine optimism and lighted tunnels before the dread omicron emergence. Back then she was vaxxed early despite only being in her middle 20s. She was also living with OAP age parents and one of dodgy health and don’t know if that had any further bearing.

What is the infection rate for the Charlbury area and have there been any reports of the 37-spike mutated monster hereabouts?

Hannen Beith

Mon 6 Dec 2021, 17:51

Is the Witney pop up open all day Wednesday please?

Tim Crisp
👍 3

Mon 6 Dec 2021, 13:40

This clinic has now been extended until Wednesday this week. I went today and walked straight in.

Miranda Higham
👍 2

Thu 2 Dec 2021, 11:31 (last edited on Sat 11 Dec 2021, 23:57)

I got mine in Witney walk in at 5months 2weeks.

Gareth Epps
👍 3

Thu 2 Dec 2021, 08:24

Total confusion as the Government have told everyone to expect a booster after 3 months now, but if people check eligibility they will find they’re not eligible.  I feel for those running the clinics and dealing with this incompetence.

Zoe Burton
👍 1

Thu 2 Dec 2021, 07:46

Hi Tanya, someone behind me on Tuesday wasn’t quite at the 6 month date and the doctor came out to speak to her before saying “yes.” It would be worth speaking to the assistant at the front of the queue to check before joining as they seemed to speaking to everyone individually who didn’t quite meet the criteria. Hope that helps and you can get it!

Tanya Stevenson
👍 1

Wed 1 Dec 2021, 23:16

Will they give you the booster even if it’s not quite 6 months since you had the second dose? I’m going to Witney tomorrow but my six months isn’t up until Saturday. I don’t want to queue and be turned away. 

Heather Williams

Wed 1 Dec 2021, 18:39

When i was in Witney just before 9am there were no queues at the Open Air car park near the multi storey, I presume that is where the boosters/vaccinations are being done?

Birgit den Outer
👍 2

Wed 1 Dec 2021, 15:25

The lunch time queues at the drop-in booster clinic in Witney were not so bad today - I was in and out within 45 minutes. 

Matthew Greenfield
👍 3

Mon 29 Nov 2021, 15:01 (last edited on Thu 2 Dec 2021, 14:23)

Thank you Nikki for keeping us informed. I have had two Covid vaccines at CMC and a flu jab this year. It was all very well organised and efficient at a time when GP surgeries are under extreme pressure (and under attack from certain parts of the media for some weird reason).

I decided to book my booster at the Kassam as I wanted to book a specific time to avoid queues. The Kassam was very busy but again well organised with not too much hanging around.

Miranda Higham
👍 1

Mon 29 Nov 2021, 11:14 (last edited on Sat 11 Dec 2021, 23:58)

I got my booster yesterday morning in Witney. Two hours from back of queue to vaccinated.

Flora Gregory

Mon 29 Nov 2021, 10:58

The pop up vaccination clinic in Witney has a 21/2 hour tailback this morning...

Nikki Rycroft
👍 6

Thu 25 Nov 2021, 10:57

As usual we shall let you know if there is another CMC Covid booster clinic taking place at the Sports Centre . In the meantime please see Richard’s post about the Witney clinic if you are due soon or have missed your appointment. 

Yes it was very chilly on Tuesday but heartening to see so many people coming to be vaccinated and massively reducing their chances of becoming seriously ill. 

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 4

Tue 23 Nov 2021, 16:24 (last edited on Tue 23 Nov 2021, 16:24)

There’s a pop-up vaccination clinic (including boosters) in Witney from Friday: 

Matthew Greenfield
👍 1

Tue 23 Nov 2021, 16:14

I assume this was only for those who were invited by the Charlbury Medical Centre for an appointment?

Birgit den Outer

Tue 23 Nov 2021, 15:56

Help, I did not know this was on. Will there be another one?

Brigid Avison
👍 4

Tue 23 Nov 2021, 15:52

I'd just like to express my thanks to all the staff and volunteers for managing the flow of people so well, and hope that the volunteers who were standing outside for several hours are able to thaw out quickly (and feel the inner glow of having helped in this way).

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