A new charity to run the Corner House and War Memorial Hall?

Mary Heckman
👍 1

Sat 13 Nov 2021, 13:42

On the events page the time of the meeting is listed as 7:30

Janet Jeffs

Sat 13 Nov 2021, 10:07

The AGM of the Corner House & WM Hall Trustees is now advertised on the website o 29th November, but it would be helpful to know the time of the meeting?  Perhaps a hand-out will be available setting out the next steps to be taken in what sounds a complex process?

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 4

Thu 11 Nov 2021, 20:22

There was an article in the summer edition of the always reliable Charlbury Chronicle about the planned changes: https://www.charlbury.info/files/7/summer_2021.pdf (page 3).

Steve Jones

Thu 11 Nov 2021, 19:41

The charity is restructuring to what is known as a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation). I believe it's also how the Community Centre is run. It means the charity no has a "legal personality", which means it can enter into contracts, sue, be sued and so on. It gives a lot of the benefits that a commercial company has without the overhead of having to register with and produce filings for Company House and the Charity Commission. It's meant to have lower overheads.

From what I gather, the CIO has fewer trustees than the previous set-up and most of what was the current committee will form into some sort of user representation group, albeit the details have not been agreed as yet.

I don't have first hand knowledge of all this, but from what I understand he CIO is now in place (and there's no way for a charity to convert back). What I would say, is that there hasn't exactly been a lot of publicity about all this, and he charity's website doesn't explain the new structure. The AGM is on he 29th November.

Janet Jeffs

Thu 11 Nov 2021, 18:34

Rumour has it that there are plans to change the charity which runs these two town buildings. The Corner House & War Memorial Hall Committee is due to hold its AGM later this month when this will all be explained in detail. Is it correct that all townspeople over the age of 18 are entitled to attend, and vote?

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