Fireworks/bonfire for 2021?

Nick Johnson
👍 6

Sun 7 Nov 2021, 10:25

Alan Fraser has pointed out that Frome has pioneered a wonderful alternative to a firework display

Graham Wisker
👍 3

Sat 6 Nov 2021, 18:13

I remember when Terry Wogan used to do a firework display on his radio 2 breakfast show. He used to describe the patterns and noises made by them and at the end said that no animals were harmed.

Nick Johnson
👍 7

Sat 6 Nov 2021, 13:58

I made a small point about the need for carbon reduction to see if anyone would take it up. I can barely believe that in the middle of COP 26 we are sad at missing the opportunity of chucking a couple of utterly unnecessary tons of carbon dioxide and other noxious substances into the atmosphere. Our children- who are generally much more climate conscious than their parents- need to understand that this is exactly the sort of activity which the world can no longer afford.

No doubt there are those who will call me a carbon killjoy, but my challenge to Paul and the cricket club is to come up with a fund raising event which is both carbon neutral and fun. I'll be there contributing to that.

Flora Gregory
👍 9

Thu 4 Nov 2021, 15:52

Please check your bonfire before you light it to make sure a hedgehog hasn't taken up residence.

That pile of twigs and branches might look like a nice quiet place for hibernation. 

Or just leave the pile for the hedgehogs and don't light it, even better :-)

michele marietta
👍 5

Thu 4 Nov 2021, 15:34

Rats. Thanks Paul. Maybe next year. I'm sure going to miss them and all the fun at the Cricket Club.

Nick Johnson
👍 5

Thu 4 Nov 2021, 12:40

And a small contribution to carbon dioxide reduction

Rosemary Bennett
👍 7

Thu 4 Nov 2021, 10:46

This will be great news for all owners of animals be they horses, cows, sheep, or dogs!

Paul D Jenkins
👍 4

Thu 4 Nov 2021, 07:35

Sadly no. The logistics and considerations around Covid led to an early decision to not hold an event this year. Hopefully next year will be very different…

michele marietta

Wed 3 Nov 2021, 21:39

I can't see anything on about fireworks for bonfire night. Does anyone know if anything's happening this year?

I'm so out of the loop!

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