our surgery

nigel rosser
👍 1

Wed 3 Nov 2021, 14:09

Nine hours is certainly better than one month.

Hannen Beith
👍 3

Wed 3 Nov 2021, 12:46 (last edited on Wed 3 Nov 2021, 12:46)

I have nothing but praise for our CMC.

Wonderful GPs and staff.

The whole "system" is under pressure.

You can always dial 111 which I did a few days ago and 9 hours later a GP got back to me.

Angus B
👍 14

Tue 2 Nov 2021, 22:50 (last edited on Tue 2 Nov 2021, 22:51)

On Tuesday, 21st September I rang  the surgery at about 11 am as I had a problem with my knee/leg. I explained that I was due to go on holiday the following day and was told to telephone again at 2.00 pm. I  did so and was informed  that a doctor would call me between 2.30 and 6.00 pm. About 3.30 the doctor telephoned; we had a brief chat, during which she told me she didn't like the sound of it and could I please come to the surgery at 5.00 pm. During this second consultation she observed that I should see the physiotherapist but he had no appointments the following day; he just might be able to call me at 8.00 am. This he did; we had a short discussion and he told me he'd like to see me but had no appointments that day. He then asked when I was going away and I told him it was that day, in about a couple of hours. He then asked me if I could come to the surgery straight away.

Now that was excellent service and I have nothing but praise for the members of staff who dealt so professionally and helpfully with me on this occasion.

Claire Wilding

Tue 2 Nov 2021, 22:11

I've given up prebooking altogether as the last few times I have tried there have been no bookable appts whatsoever. 

Lucy Mitchell

Tue 2 Nov 2021, 17:48

I had to wait a month for a phone consultation- in the end I called up in the morning and managed to get an appointment that day instead. Hope you get an appointment soon.

nigel rosser
👍 6

Tue 2 Nov 2021, 17:16

Um..just been offered a phone call consultation a month today  with with our (save the NHS) three day a week doctor. Is this OK ?

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