Delivery driver urinating in a public place!

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Wed 3 Nov 2021, 12:54

There are loads of devices for this.  We keep one in our car.  Unisex.  It has granules which solidify.  We've fortunately never had to use it, but I wonder that, if we did, would it go in the grey bin or for recycling?!

john h
👍 2

Wed 3 Nov 2021, 12:18

If you gotta go, you gotta go JH

Birgit den Outer
👍 9

Wed 3 Nov 2021, 09:43

Or see this study by Moore and Newsome (2018) on 'Paying for Free Delivery' on the precariousness of the delivery jobs, often on zero hours contracts. No one wants to urinate in public, and agreed Gareth, no one wants to see it. Just pay people properly so that they can afford a lunch break (at a place with a loo). 

Deborah Hofman
👍 9

Tue 2 Nov 2021, 15:34

The Ken Loach film, 'Sorry You Were Out' gives a good insight into the difficulties and time constraints endured by van drivers. Getting to The Co-op loo, parking, finding the right change etc. may not be an option.

michele marietta
👍 3

Mon 1 Nov 2021, 14:43

I am sure that if any delivery drivers needed to, they'd be very welcome to use the loos at the community centre?

Geoff Belcher

Mon 1 Nov 2021, 10:23

They could find somewhere a little bit 

more private

Rosemary Bennett
👍 6

Mon 1 Nov 2021, 10:11

All people need dignity and privacy at times. We all know that there are almost no facilities anywhere for delivery drivers on the roads of our illustrious country. It’s not the fault of an individual driver if there are no free and easily accessible facilities, is it.

Wendy Bailey
👍 1

Sat 30 Oct 2021, 20:04

I was not discriminating against women we have the "Shewee".  

K Harper

Sat 30 Oct 2021, 13:09 (last edited on Tue 2 Nov 2021, 15:37)

Beware what sorts of nuts you gather . . . ! Kris

Christine Battersby
👍 5

Sat 30 Oct 2021, 11:28

Really odd geography here! Wychwood Close is not opposite Ticknell Piece. And Ditchley Lane does not exist.

I presume the driver was relieving himself on the green space at the top of Ticknell Piece. Please, if somebody catches him there again, point out that is where people gather nuts of various types. Feeling sorry that I did this earlier this month! 

I suspect that his reason for not going into the loos at the Coop is not the 20p charge, but the time it takes for somebody working on a marginal wage.

I think it also worth naming and shaming the company that he was working for if that was known. And, no, a screw top bottle for urine is not an adequate substitute for a decent wage. That solution discriminates against women. Also, as has been shown on numerous occasions over lockdown, drivers on occasions make the mistake of delivering the urine bottle ...

Wendy Bailey
👍 2

Sat 30 Oct 2021, 10:39

Perhaps  a screw top bottle then the offender doesn't even need to leave the vehicle? No offence to anyone and a great relief to everyone. 

Paul Butler McLees
👍 6

Fri 29 Oct 2021, 23:09 (last edited on Fri 29 Oct 2021, 23:09)

I’m sorry that happened and agree that this can cause distress aside from being an offence. I prefer to cross the road and urinate in Wychwood Close, it’s poorly lit and the the camber lends itself to adequate drainage for a hefty bladder like mine. With best wishes.

Philip Ambrose
👍 1

Fri 29 Oct 2021, 16:19

I agree that Ticknell Piece is a most inappropriate place for such activity, but as someone who lives just outside of Charlbury, I'm not sure how to take your suggestion!

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