County Council survey on EV charging points

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Thu 21 Oct 2021, 14:36

It is a separate point, Alex, but we have for years been told that OCC has no budget to implement measures that will deal with this problem.

Alice Brander
👍 4

Thu 21 Oct 2021, 08:38

Yes agreed Alex.  But even better would be controlled speed electric vehicles travelling on The Slade & Sturt Road.  Safety would be increased through ensuring toxic vehicle emissions from diesel, petrol and tyre rubber would be reduced on this residential road and noise from wasteful internal combustion engines, technology of the 19th century.   Safety for residents first.

Alex Michaels
👍 5

Wed 20 Oct 2021, 22:49

A far more effective use of OCC monies, that a lot of Charlbury residents would benefit from, is to cure the speeding problem on The Slade and Sturt Road once & for all. Safety must come first, always.

Alice Brander

Wed 20 Oct 2021, 10:06

That is done.  Thank you Gareth.

Gareth Epps
👍 4

Thu 14 Oct 2021, 18:01

An opportunity to tell the County Council to sort West Oxfordshire out on their continued refusal to move our car park into the current century on this issue.

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