Anybody speak Danish?

Lars Larsen

Fri 7 Oct 2005, 23:15

"Desværre bliver jeg nødt til at holde min præsentation på engelsk, da jeg ikke kan sige noget på dansk ud over denne ene sætning". That should do by way of apology; give me a ring and I'll talk you through the pronunciation.
Lars, tel.: 810285

Michael Flanagan

Fri 7 Oct 2005, 16:07

I'm giving a presentation (in English) in a couple of weeks in Copenhagen. To my horror, I've just seen that everyone else at the conference is presenting in Danish.

The organisers are happy about that, but I'd be more comfortable with a couple of Danish one-liners to at least show willing.
Something innocuous like "I'm sorry this in English, but as you can tell I'd be completely incomprehensible in Danish"

Any experts? Or anyone been in a similar situation?

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