Rubbish collections in Charlbury

glena chadwick

Mon 1 Dec 2008, 09:45

Thanks Richard---I wasn't sure how to post a whole article but didn't realise people could access back numbers---a good resource.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 1 Dec 2008, 08:50

Back issues of the Chronicle are on this very website - just click 'Community' then 'Charlbury Chronicle'.

Charlotte Penn

Mon 1 Dec 2008, 07:10

Glena, many thanks. Very interesting. Yes I'd love to see this article. May I suggest posting it? I'm sure others would like to read it.

glena chadwick

Mon 1 Dec 2008, 00:04

Charlotte---in the Sept. 2006 Chronicle there is an article about where your recycling is really going. There were so many urban myths flying around about it all going to China or getting mixed up anyway (it is sometimes mixed at the kerbside but then sorted later) or going to landfill, that I asked a WODC environment official to write a paper on what actually did happen. It was very clear and informative and I put a slighly shorter version in the Chronicle. Obviously it might be a bit different now and there is a problem at the moment because of the credit crunch but basically what we recycle is used and doesn't go as far as people suggest except, for example, 30% of the glass goes to France, Spain and Portugal because they use more dark green glass. If some stuff goes to China it is in returning ships which would be otherwise empty. I could forward the article to you (it is still in my computer) but I'm not sure how.

Alan Sinclair

Fri 28 Nov 2008, 22:24

The normal bin lorry can not fit down Crawborough so a smaller van is used, that’s why the bags are used and left free of charge.

Charlotte Penn

Fri 28 Nov 2008, 21:23

I'd like to see more proof that something sensible - is actually done with our recycling? Not just dumped on a cargo ship to China or dumped in a hole.

As plastic has gone down in price, there’s now mountains of plastic in warehouses!!!!

In my mind – there should be laws banning supermarkets selling their fruit and veg in plastic – to start off with. There’s just no need!

What a to do!!!

Derek Collett

Fri 28 Nov 2008, 18:57

Frank - I live about a quarter of a mile away from you in Tanners Court and I don't get orange bags, black bags or any other sort of bags from the council. I have to buy my own black bags from the Co-op! Why is there this discrepancy between two parts of the same town in such close proximity to each other? Are you paying some sort of deluxe Council Tax tariff that entitles you to these benefits Frank? Does a council worker leave a chocolate on your pillow every night as well? Do tell!

Frank Payne

Fri 28 Nov 2008, 13:05

Thanks Jon. They are being left in Crawborough. Ever since we've lived here the men who take the rubbish away have left several bin bags each week. I guess they ran out of the normal black ones which is why they are leaving us the prepaid ones. Didn't realise they are so valuable!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 28 Nov 2008, 13:00

Those are the commercial bags that businesses pay through the nose for. You could sell them off at a discount! That's why (a) most businesses use Grundon or a similar private company, because they are cheaper than WODC, and (b) anyone who can either puts their waste in the recycling skips in the car park, or recycles it from home. Or, sadly, (c) dumps it in a layby.

Domestic waste collections will remain free, though a lot of changes are coming in in 2010, including free garden waste collection.

Derek Collett

Fri 28 Nov 2008, 12:32

Frank: you get bin bags, left by the Council? Whereabouts in Charlbury do you live and why don't I get them?!!! Do other Charlburians get bin bags dished out to them gratis?

Frank Payne

Fri 28 Nov 2008, 10:21

I noticed recently that when our rubbish is collected, and empty bin bags left, they are now marked with the label 'prepaid', and are also a very distinctive orange in colour, the sort that would be impossible to buy in the shops. Does anyone know if this marks the introduction of some sort of charging scheme for collecting our rubbish?

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