OL6 OS Map

Zachary Craft
👍 1

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 18:18

Thank you all for the replies, Agnes has kindly been in touch to offer her OL6 map which I'll use in combination with my phone. I was just keen to have a back up paper map in my pack in case my phone stopped working for whatever reason.

I've been using the OS Maps App for walks along the Oxfordshire Way and up to Ditchley Park which has been great and, like James, would thoroughly recommend. 

Steve Jones

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 15:03

  I have an old and slightly battered 1:25,000 Outdoor Leisure map of the South Western Lakes area which you are welcome too.

Several years back I bought a copy of some mapping software called Quo complete with all 50,000:1 & 25,000:1 OS maps and now have a box of unused OS maps. I just laser print the bits I need when I need them.

Drop me a message if it's of any use (I've also got the North Eastern Area).

Brian Murray

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 13:50

Zachary, if you prefer a hard copy map and do not receive an offer of a loan, go to dash4it.co.uk   Heavily discounted OS maps and excellent, fast service.

James Styring
👍 1

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 13:34 (last edited on Thu 9 Sep 2021, 13:35)


James Styring
👍 1

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 13:34

I didn't know about that free map service, Hannen. It looks like you can grab small patches of map but not big areas?

Welcome, Zachary! The best thing I bought last year was an annual subscription to all OS maps online https://osmaps.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/, there is a phone app and you can use the desktop service too. You can plan routes (etc.) and the button that tells you where you are means you will never be lost in the UK ever again. There's a 7-day free trail, try it, it's pretty incredible, and I bet you'll subscribe once you've tried it.

Hannen Beith

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 12:53

Welcome to you both.

You can download free OS maps here:


Zachary Craft
👍 1

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 10:40

Hello, firstly to introduce ourselves, Rebecca and I have just moved to Dyers Hills up from Bath and are enjoying settling in to Charlbury.

Like most people, we are heading up to the Lake District for a few nights end of the month. During the house move I seem to have misplaced some of our maps. 

I wondered if anyone had a copy of the South-Western area OL6 OS map that we could please borrow for a week from September 24th in exchange for a few bottles of Hooky?

Many thanks,
Zachary Craft

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