
Flora Gregory
👍 1

Wed 13 Oct 2021, 12:04

This is an entertaining and useful link, with Hugh Warwick on behalf of the British Hedgehog Protection Society, really worth a watch and do share it, https://vimeo.com/413318476

Charlbury hedgehogs are doing their best, please help them by talking with your neighbours and making a hedgehog highway  for them to get through, at least 13x13 cm in fences/walls/chain link fences. This will enable hedgehogs to travel around town and find food and each other.  

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Thu 30 Sep 2021, 21:17

I really feel compelled to tell peole about this "use" for Hedgehogs! Another reason to keep them, eh. Did you know a Hedgehog, if it climbs a tree (they climb trees! Who knew?) and gets stuck, they simply roll up into a ball and drop to the ground ... known to do so from up to 6 metres height!

Hedgehogs inspire sports safety head helmets, from the marvellous BBC Radio series of how animals have inspired human activities and manufactures:

30 Animals That Made Us Smarter - Hedgehog and helmet

S2 Ep4. A hedgehog could save your life! Spiky quills protect hedgehogs from being eaten by predators. But they also play an important role in cushioning the animal when it falls, keeping it safe even if it plunges from a great height. And now, they can help keep humans safe, too. By mimicking the flexibility, strength and pattern of the quills, scientists have developed a sports helmet that could prevent concussions.


Flora Gregory
👍 1

Sun 26 Sep 2021, 14:24 (last edited on Sun 26 Sep 2021, 18:18)

So...if a hedgehog IS staggering, it's probably sick/poisoned (we're still putting poison down) or dehydrated :-( and not because it has had too much beer :-), it's very dry at the moment. If anyone finds a hedgehog that is not moving properly please act immediately,  they can die quickly.  Please put it in a box and keep it warm and take it as soon as you can to Mandie in Over Norton and she will do her level best to nurse it back to health. Her phone no is 01608 430980. If her machine is on then please leave a message and she'll get back to you.  Our population of hedgehogs has plummeted in Charlbury (as everywhere else). They are on the IUCN Red List, destined for extinction - unless we do something about it. Hedgehog Highways throughout the town would make a massive difference, allowing them to find food and each other, they would normally travel several miles each night.  A contributing factor to their parlous state in Charlbury is that development over the last 10 years or so has killed them, filled in their territories, blocked off their usual highways and they are finding it very difficult to move around and are isolated from each other. Are there any hedgehog highways through the east side of Market Street ? 

Birgit den Outer
👍 3

Fri 24 Sep 2021, 11:34

Judging by the staggering, it had been to them all. 

Claire Wilding
👍 4

Thu 23 Sep 2021, 12:42

Which pub had the hedgehog been to?

Birgit den Outer
👍 3

Thu 23 Sep 2021, 10:28

Hi Flora,

I saw a hedgehog on Market Street where I live (coming home from the pub back in August), which then made its way into our (small) back garden/yard, via the space underneath the gate. I took a few photos too. To where would you like these to be sent? I put out water but have not seen it since and there aren't too many hiding places so wonder whether our back garden was just a convenient escape from that photographing woman!

Flora Gregory
👍 4

Tue 21 Sep 2021, 18:59

This is quick update. Hedgehog sightings and lovely photos (thank you, keep them coming). Of particular interest at the moment are several sightings around Market Street and also a couple of sightings around Nine Acres. Re Market Street - how do hedgehogs move through Market Street, going east exactly ? Does anyone see them on the east side, are there any highways to facilitate them ? Please let me know. I get the impression just by walking along Market Street that it would be really difficult for hedgehogs to get through, and  otherwise they have to go by road which is a dangerous.  We can't afford fatalities. Any ideas from anyone, can anyone help with a hole in their fence/wall, or need advice ?  I sense the hedgehogs are doing their best to explore Charlbury and get around. They are expending precious energy negotiating our town and we have rather a lot of obstacles :-) Please keep a look out, think about how you might be able to help them. Drive carefully. Thank you again, very much. 

Flora Gregory
👍 2

Wed 15 Sep 2021, 21:40 (last edited on Wed 15 Sep 2021, 22:26)

What do hedgehogs eat ?  They have an acute sense of smell and are opportunistic eaters - some carrion, fallen fruit, beetles, earwigs, caterpillars, earthworms, millipedes, snails, slugs, leatherjackets, frogs. I have talked to quite a few people about wet/dry cat and dog food as a supplement when it is dry and when there are hoglets about that need to put on weight for the winter. Dry kitten biscuits seem to be recommended - high in protein. 

And they need access to fresh water and drink up to 4 tablespoons full a day - I said a pint  previously, but that is not so :-).

Hedgehogs love mealworms, but mealworms are bad for hedgehogs because of the calcium/phosphorus balance and cause metabolic bone disease. So a couple now and then as a treat is ok, not too many. I think there is also caution with sunflower hearts and sultanas for a similar reason. Peanuts are ok, but crushed. 

For people who have stayed with this trail, as I am just writing something about hedgehog highways and what Kirtlington and Eynsham have done, and what we could do in Charlbury, twitter.com/team_KWACS/status/1169386060331278347

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 3

Wed 15 Sep 2021, 12:50

I’m afraid it’s not really feasible for volunteer admins to maintain a constantly-changing useful numbers list, Malcolm, but if Flora wants to set up a Charlbury Hedgehogs community page, that would be a good place to do it.

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Wed 15 Sep 2021, 12:31

Could some site mod put Amanda-the-hedge helper's contact details in the relevant "contacts" section, or whatever to call it,of the charlbury.info site for future reference if one comes across a struggling hedge-piglet?

I'd assume any hedgehog of any size come across in daytime around now or in the winter to be, with high probability of being, in double plus ungood straits.

They are primarily insectivores (yes?? do they eat anything like seeds or fruit or berries or roots at all, and thus have some "carbohydrate" handling genes, or essentially obligate carnivores like cats?).

So, I think I have heard, NOT to give them dried dog food kibble due to the carbohydrate content. Correct?

But what about dry cat food kibble, seeing, AFAIK that cats have little tolerance for carbohydrates? Can one give hedgehogs that?

Bird food like mealworms should be good??

Flora Gregory
👍 2

Tue 14 Sep 2021, 22:25 (last edited on Tue 14 Sep 2021, 22:29)

Apparently hedgehogs need to drink a pint of water a day, so it really helps them if we make sure there is fresh water in our gardens. In the long dry spells we have been having they are very vulnerable to dehydration.   If you know you have a visiting hedgehog or hedgehogs and it is very dry, wet cat food or dog food will also support them as they will find it hard to find food. 

If you see a hedgehog out in the day and not moving properly then give it water and get help for it as quickly as possible.  Amanda who is in Over Norton  nurses over 100 hedgehogs a year, her number is 07488 331409.  Phone her first, and transport the hedgehog to her, keeping it warm in a box.  

This time of year we hopefully have some hoglets in Charlbury,  they should be putting on weight to get through the winter. Please keep a look out for them. Thank you to everyone who has sent photos of hedgehogs  in Charlbury. We need to give them all the help we can as their numbers are so depleted. Charlburywildlife@charlburygreenhub.org.uk 

Alison Marshall
👍 1

Wed 8 Sep 2021, 20:34


I agree with Malcolm definitely give it water not milk.  It's been quite dry recently which is what has probably brought it out in the day.  Try the link above for advice if you see it again and are worried about it.

Sue Normand
👍 1

Wed 8 Sep 2021, 18:56

I have put out various containers of water...

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Wed 8 Sep 2021, 18:43

One thing to immediately do is put out some water (not milk, they don't have the enzyme to digest milk sugar - lactose). We've done this before when seeing small hedgies nosing about and it was guzzled very promptly.

Sue Normand
👍 1

Wed 8 Sep 2021, 18:39

A little while ago there was a topic about hedgehogs seen out in the day and what to do/local help available - I think.  Would welcome some advice as seen a young one out in the heat today though moving around and not looking injured... Tried the Minster Lovell number but said they are full anyway in recorded message. Thank you  

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