Diddly Squat

Philip Ambrose
👍 2

Fri 10 Sep 2021, 15:00

Hi Hans,

I have watched the You Tube clip that you referenced. To call the rider as a prat is a bit strong. He covers the mile between the lay-by and the entrance to Smallstones Farm in about 70 seconds, averaging about 55 mph, so must be a bit over 60 mph at times. In mitigation it is sunny, the road is dry, and the traffic conditions are light. He does not overtake anyone or perform any dangerous manoeuvre. His positioning of the bike is entirely consistent with the Police manual "Roadcraft". His riding is much better than some of what I see on this route. 

I entirely agree with what you say about modified bikes, noisy riding and the absence of any enforcement, but we have rather hijacked the original thread re Diddly Squat.

Tim Widdows
👍 1

Fri 10 Sep 2021, 13:37

being discussed on  Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 now

Hans Eriksson
👍 1

Fri 10 Sep 2021, 12:00

The Charlbury TT was first mentioned here in 2012 


Here is a recent example of a prat using it 


People who have more time than me can easily work out what speed he is doing by measuring the distance he's doing (helps if you know where he starts, it's at the top of B4077 just after the turnoff to Chadlington going west - he would have started at the layby.

The Charlbury TT is probably the prime reason why there are so many speeding and noisy motorcycles around Charlbury on Sundays - I am sure they know fully well there are no speedtraps as there is only one policeman doing them in a large region. I have nothing against motorcyclists - as long as they keep to the speed limits and refrain from illegally modifying their mufflers causing a racket.

Charlie M

Fri 10 Sep 2021, 11:34

Michele ... oh dear what a shame never mind ;-) 

Tim Widdows

Fri 10 Sep 2021, 11:04 (last edited on Fri 10 Sep 2021, 11:34)

For the details of what happened at the meeting follow one of the following links depending on your choice of rag you read.

Also Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 will be discussing it today (anytime from 12pm - 2pm)








Long post - click to read full text

Tim Gosling

Fri 10 Sep 2021, 11:00

What happened after the Charlbury TT MC route was mentioned?

michele marietta
👍 2

Fri 10 Sep 2021, 10:54

Yeah, but Charlie... you'll miss out on the experience of buying expensive potatoes from a Famous Person.

Charlie M
👍 2

Fri 10 Sep 2021, 10:15

Am I alone in being grateful for this thread? because it has made me absolutely *certain* (not that I wasn't already!) that I have no wish to *ever* frequent Clarkson's rather tacky-sounding establishment...

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Fri 10 Sep 2021, 09:52 (last edited on Fri 10 Sep 2021, 10:01)

It seems that the proposal will include converting half the lambing shed to a restaurant seating 60 people, aiming at a price point of £60 for a meal for 2 people -- said to be roughly half the price of a meal at other local restaurants in the area which are described as "very expensive" at around £120 for 2 people. 

My initial thought is that JC does not have a good grasp of the competition as there are plenty of places to eat well locally which do not fall into the "expensive" category. Not sure where JC is thinking of. I don't think even the restaurant at Daylesford Organics is quite that expensive, and I presume that is something like what he has in mind. In any case, I doubt that the same kind of people will be visiting the 2 places. 

Apparently sheep farming will be downgraded at the farm because JC feels he can't compete with the incoming cheap Australian imports (!)  And JC has already been granted an alcohol and entertainment licence for the farm shop. 

Since JC seems to get away with selling nonsense products at very high prices at the shop, I suppose a similarly nonsensical restaurant might work  ... at least for as long as the TV series is running.

Hans Eriksson
👍 2

Fri 10 Sep 2021, 09:17

Mr Clarkson is on the record saying that Oxfordshire has been ruined. Well done for contributing. Hopefully the novelty of the rather empty farmshop will wear off. Meanwhile it is only for some bright spark to youtube the lovely alternative access to Diddly Squat - through Charlbury! We all know what happened after the Charlbury TT MC route was mentioned... Ps. I didn't go to the meeting, as I knew I would not have been let in - thanks Tim. 

Tim Widdows
👍 4

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 15:50

Been told that it's only for Chadlington residents ( and they have to prove they from Chad ) and a max of 40 people allowed in the hall no cameras etc allowed either.

Steve Jones
👍 2

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 14:54 (last edited on Thu 9 Sep 2021, 19:08)

The YouTuber in question is Harry Metcalfe and he has two channels. Harry's Garage and Harry's Farm. Unlike Jeremy Clarkson, Harry Metcalfe has been a farmer all his adult life, and I do recommend his farm channel which is properly down to earth and informative.

As to his cars, then that's according to interest of course. He did found a car magazine called EVO, which included contribution from a lot of high-profile petrol heads like Rowan Atkinson and Gordon Murray, so the man is well connected. The magazine has since been sold.

In any event, then I like the his farming channel, which is a million miles from the Amazon produced Clarkson programme.

James Styring

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 13:12

The meeting is tonight.

Re the numbers of supercars locally, a friend who is into cars told me that there's a well known YouTuber who uses the Burford Rd (B4077) between Catsham Lane (goes down to  Chad) and the A361 (Chippy-Burford Rd) to film himself driving supercars - and lots of fans come to drive along that stretch too.

Tim Gosling
👍 1

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 11:40

I think that it is tonight?

stephen cavell

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 11:10

Did any contributor  to this forum actually go to the meeting.??

Tim Gosling
👍 4

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 10:34

The supercars coming through Charlbury have nothing to do with Diddly Squat or Clarkson, but a supercar event held at Blenheim Palace last weekend. They do nothing for me, but I would very much have enjoyed watching them bottom out in the farm shop car park. 

Hans Eriksson

Thu 9 Sep 2021, 09:57

Many thanks James, I think I will pop over and see what's going on. The farmshop site is swamped with cars and people when it's open, funny that because there appears to be nothing much for sale - maybe the clue is in the name? But there is bound to be an increase of traffic, probably mainly through Chipping Norton as sat navs seem to tell you to go that way. But not all - some will probably come through Charlbury. I have noticed a sudden rise in Ferraris, McLarens and Lamborghinis coming through.

James Styring

Wed 8 Sep 2021, 16:09

Looks like the meeting is at Chadlington Memorial Hall at 7pm on Thursday 9th.

James Styring
👍 1

Wed 8 Sep 2021, 16:08

Noticed this is the Oxford Mail ... on our doorstep so might be of interest to some. Meeting this evening in Chad.


"TV Star Jeremy Clarkson will attend a meeting in the village close to his farm shop Diddly Squat to answer concerns from locals about his farm shop.

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