Burning again in Cornbury Park.

Nikki Rycroft
👍 5

Thu 2 Sep 2021, 16:50

Simon is correct, this is just the routine clearing and burning of dead wood and branches in Cornbury Park. A couple of times a year there is a very large bonfire in the deer park. 
They do not burn anything from Wilderness.

 I checked about the abandoned  tents etc 4 years ago and directed them to charities who collect good condition tents and camping equipment. 
So I hope this reassures everyone 

Gareth Epps
👍 4

Thu 2 Sep 2021, 12:15

Having just been past on the train, I would agree with Simon.  It is not going to be Festival waste.

Simon Walker
👍 7

Thu 2 Sep 2021, 09:52

Jean - having been out on our dog walk this morning, it appears that the only burning that is going on anywhere near your side of Cornbury is the bonfire being used to burn off the 'arisings' (scrap wood and branches) from the scrub-clearing work that is in progress between the railway line and the river.

Rachel Ramsay
👍 9

Thu 2 Sep 2021, 09:48

I’m sure they know what they’re doing 🙄

Gareth Epps
👍 3

Thu 2 Sep 2021, 09:17

They shouldn't be burning it.  Report to WODC Environmental Health.

[A friend works with a refugee support group that goes into festivals and rescues equipment for onward donation.  After a limited amount of time on the Reading site, they left with over 2,000 tents and over 500 sleeping bags, mostly used once.  The estimated retail value was over £100,000.  It strikes me that we should be asking the Wilderness organisers to do something similar.]

Jean Adams

Thu 2 Sep 2021, 09:02

Is this the Wilderness rubbish?

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