Who is responsible for the fire. Please put it out.

Phil Morgan
👍 8

Sun 5 Sep 2021, 13:22

The guys are burning the "brash" from the cut-back on the meadow field next to the river. This improves the grazing for the livestock and, ultimately, improves the riverbank environment.

We can't expect them to cart it away into the Park. This will not need to happen again for quite a few years. It is something we have to tolerate; however annoying.

Jean Adams
👍 2

Sun 5 Sep 2021, 10:38

 Mine is possibly one of the nearest properties to the fires and I have recently been diagnosed with Asthma. The smoke  and the smell were unbelievable. all my windows had to be closed.

Hannen Beith
👍 2

Sat 4 Sep 2021, 18:40

Good point Liz.

But this is not a "bonfire" - at least as I understand it.  It was a large fire that burned for 4 days and nights, just half a mile away from my house and closer to others.

I'm sure it was well supervised but really, with 1700 acres at its disposal one would think that the Cornbury Estate could find somewhere a little more friendly.

Liz Leffman
👍 4

Sat 4 Sep 2021, 18:20

Bonfires are allowed, but please see this:  https://news.westoxon.gov.uk/news/residents-urged-not-to-light-bonfires-during-covid-19-pandemic

Phil Morgan
👍 10

Sat 4 Sep 2021, 13:31 (last edited on Sat 4 Sep 2021, 13:32)

There are currently no restrictions from WODC on garden bonfires in Charlbury. At this time of year lots of large garden owners have to cut back their seasonal overgrowth. Some of it can go in the 'green bin' but some it can't and needs to be burned.

Consideration for neighbours is the paramount issue - time of day and weather conditions. But, people do have this ancient right and, in a rural community such as this, it should be retained.

Amanda Epps
👍 3

Sat 4 Sep 2021, 10:47

Rachel, for those with respiratory illnesses, they are a hazard as they can trigger attacks.

There’s no need for bonfires when there are alternative ways of disposal. 

Rachel Ramsay
👍 12

Fri 3 Sep 2021, 20:00

Bonfires are a perfectly normal feature of this time of year. I really don’t know what there is to get so het up about. 

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 3 Sep 2021, 19:49

Hmm. Interesting comment by Caspar, who I assume is a firefighter. Interesting because of what was implicit - if read correctly - that the Fire Service has the power to intervene with an "illegal" fire offending environmental standards, if called out by, say, a neighbour who is being suffocated by the stench of burning PVC.

Given the (mistaken, in the broader sense) primacy of "property rights" in law that could really kick up a fuss.

So, for example, someone is burning off a pile of insulation on electrical wiring, to get the copper out for scrap value, that would be a no-no the Service could come down on in a direct intervention?

I do favour, on the whole, that society should have much more interventionist powers with regards to activities that are an affront to environmental sustainability and ecological health.

As has been discussed here with regards to river water quality, there needs to be much sharper teeth and much more muscular mandibles for those (looking at water companies managers and directors e.g) to deal promptly with such depredations.

john h
👍 2

Thu 2 Sep 2021, 18:16

Could this criteria also apply to garden bonfires that cause an anti social covering of smoke and smell to  neighbour's gardens and homes. JH

Caspar Morris
👍 2

Thu 2 Sep 2021, 16:54

Malcolm, you are correct, you can’t burn your plastic or rubber on bonfires. 

If we get called out on the fire engine to someone burning a d there are those items we will put it out

hope that helps

John Kearsey
👍 8

Thu 2 Sep 2021, 15:15

It is normal practice for large estates to burn wood. Its usually a case of clearing scrub which ironically would be a fire risk if allowed to dry out and build up

Jean Adams

Wed 1 Sep 2021, 16:17

I have asked Cornbury Estate Office to have the fire put out.

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 1 Sep 2021, 15:38

Forgot to add - contact the County Environmental Health department?

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 1 Sep 2021, 15:37

Is it just the smoke? Particularly is it the smell of smoke? Are they burning plastics which will give an awful acrid, astringent effect upon the nose and throat.

I'm pretty sure burning plastic, which can release some really nasty part-combusted molecules that are health and ecology big impacts, surely isn't allowed (you can get dioxins, chlorinated and very toxic and carcinogenic and ACCUMULATIVE FOREVER MOLECULES IN THE ENVIRONMENT AND FOODCHAINS. 

Anyone genned up on modern environmental emissions/disposal of waste regulations?

Jean Adams

Wed 1 Sep 2021, 14:59

I don’t know who is in charge but please put the fire out.

Jean Adams

Wed 1 Sep 2021, 14:47

Enough is enough, please put the fire out. 

Jean Adams

Wed 1 Sep 2021, 14:13

Fire frightens me. There are a lot of trees in this area. Who is responsible?

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