Pigeon Fanciers! Anyone know of any local Pigeon people?

Chris Wastie

Tue 31 Aug 2021, 09:11

Malcolm i kept white doves for years starting with just a pair but they increased  to about fifty & i had complaints  ,talk about breeding like rabbits .i took down their dove cot & caught as many as i could in a cadge & took them in the car to that rare breeds farm miles away[i cant remember the place] i had visited &knew he kept doves but when i got back to my house there they were all come back .

it took along time but they all went & made a home in a farmers barn

just down the road from me .so i think if you block their home up they will go in the end....Chris wastie

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 30 Aug 2021, 21:45

Anyone want a ready-made extended family of White Doves??

Anyone know any such a pigeon-fancier who could take them in? (I've had no reply from some emails sent off to a couple of associations as yet, but it is vacation season).

The Doves may be gone at a moments notice if we get a pigeon-bailiff's cancellation opportunity!

The growing brood of Doves that have colonised underneath our solar panels have got to go. It started with 4 now it seems to be upwards of 8! They seem to be sticking together as a family group and it occurs to us that some pigeon-person might like to have a true-breeding number of pairs before they are evicted by the pigeon-proofing-of-solar-panels-people we're hoping to get at the nearest available date (i.e any cancellations that come up too).

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