Paddington Station

claire watson-laney

Wed 10 Dec 2008, 14:15

thanks for your help guys, has anyone had experience of the slippery floors there before? Christine I hear your point about the boards, its obviously a major problem and for an indoor station that is worrying!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 27 Nov 2008, 12:32

Marylebone is run by the exemplary Chiltern Railways, not NR. (I caught a Chiltern train from Warwick Parkway yesterday and the passengers were really worried that it was 11 minutes late - it was such an unheard-of experience that one actually went down to the ticket office to ask what was going on. At Charlbury it's a good day if it's only 11 minutes late...)

Incidentally, Chiltern are offering Charlbury season ticket-holders a free return from a Chiltern station (e.g. Banbury or Bicester) to London Marylebone: see here.

Christine Battersby

Thu 27 Nov 2008, 11:58

Warnings about the slippery floor are regularly posted on the timetable display boards, so it shouldn't be very difficult to prove a hazard--especially when the same display boards also regularly don't allow enough time for elderly or disabled pasengers, or those with luggage or small children, to get to the Worcester line trains before they depart.

Another matter that currently bugs me about Paddington Station is the increase to 30p to use the Ladies toliet facilities. This is particularly galling since (a) they are not well maintained and (b) the much superior Ladies facilities at Marylebone are free. Since Network Rail is presumably in charge of both facilities, I don't understand either the difference in quality or the difference in price.

Derek Collett

Tue 25 Nov 2008, 15:38

If Chris can't help then I'm sure the National Accident Helpline (who advertise ad nauseum on daytime TV) would be glad to step in! Network Rail would presumably be liable...

Chris Bates

Tue 25 Nov 2008, 09:06

Claire - You can contact me if you like.

claire watson-laney

Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:47

Hi everyone, I noticed a number of you talking about Paddington station and wondered if anyone had ever experienced the very slippery floor at the station when it is raining? If you have, I would be really grateful if you could contact me - my husband has had a horrible accident there and we are in need of help!

Thanks for your time, Claire.

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