Don't be alarmed ...

Tony H Merry
👍 1

Tue 31 Aug 2021, 10:20

Thanks Mary.  There will be another survey on 14th September when the schools are back.  Monitoring around the school at drop off pickup times would certainly be interesting but I think that would have to be a separate exercise.

Mary Heckman
👍 1

Mon 30 Aug 2021, 17:28

It might be very helpful to monitor around Crawborough and Ticknell Piece during school drop off and pick up hours and I don’t see any hours in the afternoon that you will be checking this. There is quite a bit of traffic then. I believe schools in West Oxfordshire go back on Thursday so your survey will miss them.

Tony H Merry

Mon 30 Aug 2021, 14:53

Just to confirm that we shall be doing this survey at the major junctions in Charlbury at 7.00 to 9.00. 12.00 to 14.00 and 16.30 to 18.30 tomorrow.

This is simply a survey and the data will only be used to build up a picture of how traffic is moving around the town, it will not be stored or used to identify anyone so do not be alarmed.  Without the data it is difficult to know exactly where people are traveling from and to and the Town Council will use the information when considering any changes that are proposed.  We are aware of a number of concerns through posts on this forum and elsewhere but feel we need to better understand movement of traffic around the town.

We have several volunteers lined up but could do with more so if you are able to help please leave a message via this site or email

James Styring
👍 7

Wed 25 Aug 2021, 18:44

If you see people with notepads at various junctions around the town on Tuesday 31st August and Tuesday 14th September, don’t be alarmed! We are not trying to catch you speeding or check up on your movements in any way. It’s just a traffic survey being conducting by Charlbury Town Council.

An astonishing twenty-six volunteers (thank you, all!) have offered to help the Town Council, which is considering whether changes to the road network in Charlbury would make our town a quieter, pleasanter place to live and visit. Before we propose any changes, we need a snapshot of how drivers are using the town – where they are driving to/from, and when. We have chosen three times of day during the school holidays and on a school day. The data won’t be stored and cannot be used to identify individual vehicles. But it may help to make Charlbury an even better place!

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