The Wychwood Forest Fair this Sunday

Tim Widdows
👍 1

Sat 21 Aug 2021, 10:46

The Wychwood Forest Fair 2021 will take place Tomorrow Sunday 22nd August at Foxburrow Wood, Witney from 11am–5pm. With heaps of entertainment including falconry, ferret racing, pony rides, storytelling, rural crafts, food stalls, a bar, a tea tent, live music and more, it's a fun way to enjoy a summer Sunday while supporting your local conservation charity.

This year's Forest Fair will be largely open-air and attendees will have plenty of space to spread out. General parking will be available at Witney RFC, but please consider walking or cycling if you can.

We're encouraging advance bookings so that we can keep an eye on numbers. Tickets booked in advance are £8; tickets on the door are £10. Under-16s are free.

Advance bookings will close at noon on Friday 18 August. There will be ample tickets on the gate

Tim Widdows
👍 3

Thu 19 Aug 2021, 10:06 (last edited on Thu 19 Aug 2021, 10:33)

The Wychwood Forest Fair 2021 will take place on Sunday 22 August at Foxburrow Wood, Witney from 11am–5pm. With heaps of entertainment including falconry, ferret racing, pony rides, storytelling, rural crafts, food stalls, a bar, a tea tent, live music and more, it's a fun way to enjoy a summer Sunday while supporting your local conservation charity.

This year's Forest Fair will be largely open-air and attendees will have plenty of space to spread out. General parking will be available at Witney RFC, but please consider walking or cycling if you can.

We're encouraging advance bookings so that we can keep an eye on numbers. Tickets booked in advance are £8; tickets on the door are £10. Under-16s are free.

Advance bookings will close at noon on Friday 18 August. There will be ample tickets on the gate

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