Why the need for SPEED (Debate)

ken jones

Thu 18 Dec 2008, 18:31

mandy i do it slow and steady like the turtle not the hare. ilke to make my jouneys last as long as possible it makes them more satisfying.

Igor Goldkind

Tue 16 Dec 2008, 00:16

It's not the size or the speed, it's the motion.


Mon 15 Dec 2008, 10:42

is that why you drive fast then.

ken jones

Sun 14 Dec 2008, 13:21

speed is needed under a certain age because you need to compensate for the extemely small penis you are transporting about with you.

Igor Goldkind

Wed 10 Dec 2008, 12:56

Roger, I can't really see how anyone can be more negative than hitting a pedestrian or cyclist through careless or speed driving.

That's the negativity I'm concerned about.

The fact that there are a smug few who moan about being reminded to drive safely is not really my concern. It reflects a general inconsiderate arrogance that is seldom worth engaging with.


Fri 5 Dec 2008, 22:58

Igor having read your latest post i would just like to put you straight on one or two things .Firstly nothing that i have read or written has made any difference to the way i drive ,i have always had time for pedestrians when driving because i to have made mistakes when walking without thinking into the road when vehicles are approaching and i have always had the temerity to apologise for it.I have also given plenty of room to cyclists as i would hate to hurt anyone with careless actions on my part.I do however feel that the negativity displayed sometimes on here ought to be limited ,as i feel if you carry it on to much as has happened of late will only serve to stop people from posting ,when peoples thoughts can be very enlightening and positive thinking is always helpful.

Igor Goldkind

Fri 5 Dec 2008, 11:06

Roger, I assume the latter part of your post is directed at me. BTW, it's 'effects', not 'affects.

Because you have actually tried to engage in this discussion and mainly because of your comments in the early part of your post about you personally taking more caution when driving near…

Long post - click to read full text


Thu 4 Dec 2008, 15:28

Richard i quite agree it is a very interesting article and when i was young there was no other type of transport but the cycle,worths bus to and from oxford which until i started work i was unable to afford to use as often as i would have liked to.Today it would be great if we could afford the fares for rail transport and be fit enough to ride a bike but that is not the case .Far from condemning any help and improvement within Charlbury i am for looking out for cyclists and pedestrians as i consider them vunerable where cars are concerned.
However i find some of the suggestions from some people on here totally out of this world when it comes to wanting to change circumstances akin to a wishlist of a wealthy community,without the common sense or decency to meet people halfway, with comments and accusations flying in all directions which have all the wrong affects on people.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 4 Dec 2008, 14:51

Interesting article: www.bikeforall.net/news.php?articleshow=565


Fri 21 Nov 2008, 06:11

I thought seeing as i has obviously upset some people on the main thread with my comments of a sensitive nature i would try to look at things from a different angle.
Far from condoning speed which i admit having participated in from time to time maybe its time to look at it from another side ,namely WHY DO WE SPEED.
It would be interesting to know the sensible answers to this ,as this is the way forward instead of keeping on about drivers speeding and killing which certainly has brassed me off me as many must be aware by now.
This affects people from all walks of life ,from all sorts of places and there is no easy answer to it .People late for a meeting ,lack of concentration,to much on your mind the answers are endless.It affects all ages and genders ,but not everything that goes wrong is attributed to speed.Look at recent comments on this website and it becomes obvious that at this rate nothing is going to be resolved as its who can blame who the most.Maybe one of the answers come from America and is now readily available in this country.Over there people who agee to having a camera fitted in their car to record their driving ,have their insurance lowered by a substantiable amount because the evidence from that can be used for or against the motorist in the case of an accident.
The only down side to this is that you could not fit them on bicylcles so i do not know how you would get over Dereks little altercation with a car ,as what is the point of having cars slow down when you can ride a bike as fast with in this case the experience of the man to be able to avert what could have been a nasty accident although not his fault ,but a lesson learnt none the less.We ALL need to work together to convince drivers that we have to look out for each other in Charlbury or anywhere else wether on foot ,bike or car .

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