Want: 3m lengths 2x2 2x1 2x3 wood freecycled to 2 buy?

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 10 Aug 2021, 21:37

Or indeed some stiff(ish) tubes.

A nasty gust of wind did in one side of our gazebo - strong enough to snap metal tubes like dry spaghetti - despite being roped down.

Rather than throw it away - reduce, reuse, repair and only then recycle is my holy chant - I can lash the broken metal spars to 3 metre lengths of something to keep it going for this summer until we can get a new porch/veranda, or a retractable awning, installed because of waiting lists :-( The original wood had rotted to a near-dangerous state.

Indeed they don't have to be unbroken 3 metre lengths as one might be able to contrive something like a bit of laminated supports...

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