Change to footpath Coldron Mill Spelsbury

Steve Jones
👍 4

Sat 25 Jun 2022, 12:00

I never said that I'd been made to feel uncomfortable walking the original walk, so please do not misrepresent what I said.

What I meant was that I feel uncomfortable walking across what is now somebody's front lawn in front of their living room. When the place was a working mill, then that would not have been the experience.

As to the possibility of a next target being across the pond, then I will, so to speak, cross that particular bridge if it ever arrives as I do think that would be a change too far.

Stephen Andrews
👍 3

Fri 24 Jun 2022, 19:20 (last edited on Fri 24 Jun 2022, 19:21)

I shall continue to object for the reasons I earlier in this thread. People have been made to feel uncomfortable about walking this ancient path in the past, and who knows whether the pond crossing might be the next proposed change?

Steve Jones
👍 3

Thu 23 Jun 2022, 15:53 (last edited on Thu 23 Jun 2022, 16:09)

Personally I found it uncomfortable walking across the front lawn of the house. I don't have any objection to the re-routing of that path round the back. If it had been the path across the pond that was being moved, then it would have been a different thing entirely.

Times change, and a few amendments to suit changed uses are not big issue as far as I'm concerned, as long as they do not detract from the path itself. After all, these paths now serve a completely different purpose, which is not as leisure routes, not the means by which goods and people were moved. A few minor tweaks are no big thing.

I am also reminded of the episode of Ever Decreasing Circles called Footpath, where Richard Bryers' character, Martin, in his zeal in protecting a right of way discovers that there was one through his back garden according to an old map and drives his wife, Ann (played by Penelope Wilton) to distraction in his single minded obsession in restoring it to use.

Angus B
👍 2

Mon 20 Jun 2022, 23:50

You can remain happy, Rachel; I think it’s only the path from Spelsbury that is rerouted to the rear of the property; the rest remain as they have been.

Rachel Ramsay
👍 3

Sun 19 Jun 2022, 23:14

If the little footbridge over the pond is staying, I’m happy! It was awkward going through their garden. 

Miles Walkden
👍 2

Sun 19 Jun 2022, 18:36

I’ve walked it few times. The last time I spoke with the owner. He was relatively pleasant and showed us the new path. Tbh - it looks slightly nicer than the present route, and removes the vaguely uncomfortable walk through the garden. Generally I’m against people changing paths, but if it’s done well, as I believe this one’s has been, then there are other, more important fights to be had.  

Devinder Sivia
👍 6

Sun 19 Jun 2022, 18:12

I went to look at the proposed footpath changes on site this morning, at the recent invitation of the Coldron Mill owner (because I had objected in the earlier informal stage of the consultation process). My main concern was that the proposed changes would mean the loss of the wonderful opportunity to admire the beautifully restored water wheel at the Mill, but that has now been laid to rest. 

The footpath from the Mill to Charlbury that goes very close to the wheel, and over the pond, will remain in place. The proposed change is for the footpath that heads up towards Spelsbury from the Mill: rather than going in front of the Mill, which was a very open space with the path not being very clear (at least at the first attempt), it will go behind the Mill. I think this is actually better than the present arrangement because it takes you past more interesting features, such as the confluence of the Coldron and Taston brooks, and is easier to recognise as a designated footpath.

I have changed my mind and will now be supporting the proposed change to the footpath.

Harriet Baldwin
👍 3

Fri 17 Jun 2022, 07:55

He's always been really keen to talk about the wheel when I've been across, and having taken groups of walkers across with the Cotswold wardens, it's never been an issue knowing where/where not to walk. I'm wondering whether the issue isn't so much the path although I know they've wanted it moved for some time, as the fact it's probably being used far more since lockdown and there being more people in the Spelsbury rd caravan site, so they're getting more people wandering off the path. And no, I don't know him. 

Michael Butler 16
👍 1

Thu 16 Jun 2022, 21:59

The Current footpath is not marked . Well unless you call a sharpie pen drawing on a wine case a path marker. If people vear of the unmarked pathways then who is to blame.?

The path is historic and beautifull. The owners are not there much .

The new path from the millfield gate will be narrow and hemmed in and will need much maintenance to keep it tidy.

Please keep this historic path a short email to

Russell Ingham
👍 10

Thu 16 Jun 2022, 17:26

The owner's personality or that of the resident dog is surely not important. The owner's right to ask that the footpath route be changed is not disputed. The issue is quite clear: should an ancient public right of way be changed simply because the current owner wants to increase their privacy even though they purchased the property knowing that the public right of way existed? It is difficult to believe that the alteration of a public right is the only solution to their apparent privacy problem. I have already objected to the proposal.

Paul D Jackson
👍 7

Wed 15 Jun 2022, 11:45

Oh Dear!  Why do some get upset when a footpath is being moved.  We've walked the proposed path and it is pretty, well built and surely makes sense.  I will be supporting the proposal.

Angus B
👍 4

Tue 14 Jun 2022, 23:29

Like Meryl I chatted to the owner last year when I passed across his land and was taken around the grounds and shown where the proposed path would be going. He couldn’t’ve been more pleasant.

Devinder Sivia
👍 4

Tue 14 Jun 2022, 11:08

The owner must be on a charm offensive to get his proposal through. Whenever I've had the chance to say a friendly "hello", to try and engage him and talk about the lovely (renovated?) mill wheel, I've been met with a grumpy unfriendliness.

Meryl Smith
👍 6

Tue 14 Jun 2022, 09:24

Details of the consultation on these proposals can be found on the County Council website in the Consultations section - Current consultations - Public Rights of Way etc section.  Links are here: and  

As it happens, I and my husband (who has lived in Charlbury for 65 years and explored and played as a boy in Dean Grove and in the grounds of Coldron Mill, which was then derelict) were walking by Coldron Mill recently and in return for a friendly "Hello" to the owner were taken on a guided tour of the Mill grounds.   We walked along the line of the proposed new diverted footpath round the back of the property.  Yes, this is narrower than the present path in front of the building but it takes you past interesting views of the Taston Brook and a pond where in days gone by kids fished for trout.

We will be supporting the proposals.    Meryl Smith and Robert Collery

Devinder Sivia
👍 2

Mon 13 Jun 2022, 20:17

I received an email from Oxfordshire County Council (at the beginning of this month) informing me that the proposed change to the Coldron Mill footpath will be going ahead. There were 15 letters/emails objecting, but 28 of support (which I found surprising).

Notice of the making of the Orders will appear in the Oxford Times on Thursday 2nd June and be displayed on the Spelsbury and Charlbury Parish Councils’ notice boards from then until Friday 4th July 2022. As part of the public advertising, Notices will be put up and maintained at each end of the footpaths affected. The Order will also be available for public inspection during the above period at Charlbury and Oxford County Libraries.

Please note this is not yet a legal change to the rights of way. Only if the Orders are confirmed and take effect will the public rights of way be diverted.

Hans Eriksson
👍 2

Sun 15 Aug 2021, 19:14

We walk there sometimes, last time a few days ago. Haven't seen that dog for years. I feel awkward walking in his front yard. Some say that there are inconsiderate people who deliberately have picknicks on his lawn. Difficult to judge what the proposed new footpath will be like, but it appears to follow the Coldron Brook. From what I understand it appears difficult to move footpaths. But is it justified in this case with the threat of BOAT status through Dean grove? 

Duncan Forbes
👍 2

Sun 15 Aug 2021, 17:01

Susie's experience with the St Bernard is at least the second time that the dog has been reported to the police. In 2016 my wife and I were set on by (presumably) the same dog and my wife was nipped in the leg and badly bruised after nearly being pushed to the ground. We had to attend minor injuries. We reported it to the police who took it seriously and issued a warning notice to the owner.

Sandy Fairhurst
👍 3

Sat 14 Aug 2021, 21:22 (last edited on Sat 14 Aug 2021, 21:28)

I’ve only been here a few years, and use the path regularly to circle back to Charlbury via Dean Grove. ( rather than continuing on to Spelsbury) What a beautiful walk it is.

Over this time I’ve never encountered  aggressive behaviour from owner or dog, in fact I’ve never seen the dog, and rarely the owner. Maybe the dog is no more? I always have my dog (on a lead through the property) with me, and see no reason not to stick to the marked route. ( although occasionally wonder if my dog might drop into the mill pond and pull me in too)

Oops just read Susie’s comment. We have obviously just been lucky not to have met it.

Susie Lawson
👍 12

Sat 14 Aug 2021, 21:14

I have lived in Charlbury all my life and my family and I have loved the walk past Coldron Mill as one of our favorite walks of all time. My own children and I often go there until the recent owners have made it feel uncomfortable. Earlier this year, a friend and I were walking and the HUGE St. Bernard set on us. He came out of the Mill and grabbed my arm, growled and barked aggressively. No one called him back. We reported it to the police. 

When the house was purchased by the current owner - the footpath was part of the deeds and should remain so. It is an ancient and very popular route and if every wealthy new owner was wanting to close the local access we would surely loose all our paths?

Stephen Andrews
👍 9

Sat 14 Aug 2021, 20:51

It is one of my favourite local walks, and apart from the water wheel, I always look forward to seeing the ancient oak at the junction of the paths. Both aspects will be lost to public view if the suggested diversion goes ahead. I have written to object. The proposed footpath change is completely unneeded and in part will create a dark narrow enclosed corridor around the perimeter of the property. 

Michael Butler 16
👍 9

Sat 14 Aug 2021, 19:22

Its great that there is a good interest in this and walking around the mill grounds is lovely, especially when the wheel is  going and there's a lot of water going through the streams beyond.

I have had a reassurance from Mr Sylvester the rights of way officer that it is not a foregone conclusion that the alterations go ahead and just a short opinion from a few people may sway this.

As I am sure that most people that have walked through in the past the owner and dog are aggressive if you stray a little off the unmarked paths. I do feel it would be a great shame if his behaviour wins the day.

After all the present owners have lived /owned the mill for years. They have been in residence far more since Covid and I am sure more walkers have annoyed them. But if you buy a property with an historic right of way then that's what you have bought.

Alan Cobb
👍 10

Sat 14 Aug 2021, 17:26

If the owners of the mill choose to install picture windows (incidentally totally out of keeping with the nature of the building) where none were before, they just have to put up with the sight of the great unwashed public exercising their rights to walk along the path that are revealed. Tough if they don't like it.  Why should we all have to use an inconvenient route just because they do not like the view.

Angus B
👍 13

Sat 14 Aug 2021, 12:30

I'm sorry but I can't see what the problem is. There is a footpath currently going right past someone's sitting room, with its big picture windows, through his garden, and the owner wants to divert it round the back of his house. I think I'd like to do the same if it were my house.

Devinder Sivia
👍 1

Sat 14 Aug 2021, 11:44

Thanks for bringing this to our attention Michael. I have sent in my disapproval to the proposed footpath changes to .

Stephen Andrews
👍 1

Thu 12 Aug 2021, 08:14 (last edited on Thu 12 Aug 2021, 08:14)

This proposal was originally made in 2001, but the request was refused due to OCC's policy at the time. Anyone know what has changed in the meantime?

Alan Cobb
👍 1

Tue 10 Aug 2021, 19:42

A bit of a mish mash this.  The changes to the paths across the pond appears to be a rationalization of what has been the situation on the ground for the past 40+ years, since the pond was formed (in the late 1970s, I believe).  It seems a bit rich saying a new bridge will be installed, when the line shown is near enough the line the current bridge follows!

Pushing the path past Coldrun Mill into the hedge behind the house seems a poor substitute to me.

Brigid Sturdy

Tue 10 Aug 2021, 13:35

Plan available as attachment to:

Brigid Sturdy

Tue 10 Aug 2021, 12:19

I wonder if the approach from Charlbury across the footbridge is actually quite recent. I have a dim memory of emerging from the woodland into the back yard/parking lot of the Mill, through a gap that is currently fenced off, and meeting the dog that used to range round there.  We went that way yesterday and felt a distinct chill of unwelcomeness.  The many handwritten notices directing walkers away from the drive and other areas suggest that the owners, who are clearly now in occupation and have the mill-wheel running, would prefer to be left alone.

Michael Butler 16
👍 5

Tue 10 Aug 2021, 11:42

Hi I thought that I would inform people who enjoy walking down by Coldron Mill Spelsbury, that the owners of the Mill have put in to change of footpath. If this goes ahead you will not be able to walk in front of the Mill, the water wheel and the foot bridge across the pond will be moved. The new footpath will be a narrow hedged/fenced track round the back of the Mill.  As like many this is a lovely walk into Dean Grove or towards Charlbury. This is presumably a very old ancient right of way it should stay that way.  If anyone feels strongly about this please could you send an email to  Rights of Way Officer Ref: ABS/DIV/03626 FP19  any comments by Friday 10th September 2021

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