What do you think about the County Council’s recycling ctrs?

Amanda Epps
👍 1

Sat 7 Aug 2021, 00:14

Before the days of kerbside recycling collection,  the Charlbury Area Waste Action Group (now Charlbury Green Hub) used to arrange just this kind of collection at the Spendlove Car Park for different kinds of waste to be recycled!  The members of the CAWAG committee monitored them.  They were discontinued when the kerbside collections began.  

Miranda Higham
👍 2

Fri 6 Aug 2021, 22:02

I completed the online survey and suggested a timetabled pop-up tip (in the form of a skip or truck) at different villages and towns, with staff to assist.

Jim Holah

Fri 6 Aug 2021, 20:30

Richard, skips were provided some 25 - 30 years ago in Charlbury, one location was Enstone crossroads.  I believe they were discontinued as they attracted commercial tippers & people piled stuff around the skip when it was full.  Shades of the Spendlove site, sadly.

Liz Leffman
👍 1

Fri 6 Aug 2021, 20:26

Thanks, Richard - will pass this on to the right people!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 8

Fri 6 Aug 2021, 17:00

I was interested to see that Worcester City Council has a long-running “Saturday Skips” scheme:


This strikes me as a terrific idea. Every Saturday, a different location around the city (on an eight-week cycle) gets a mobile collection for the sort of item you’d usually take to a recycling centre. Everything that can be is separated for recycling. It greatly reduces the need to drive to a tip. And because it’s not a permanent installation, there’s no fly-tipping issue.

I’d love to see this in Oxfordshire.

Harriet Baldwin
👍 3

Mon 2 Aug 2021, 12:19

I have an accessibility issue with filling in digital forms/screens. Do they have a more accessible version?

Amanda Epps
👍 1

Mon 2 Aug 2021, 12:04

Michele, I noticed that too but still included it in my response.

michele marietta
👍 4

Mon 2 Aug 2021, 11:46

I've done the survey. It's fine, but there's no opportunity really to ask for Dean Pit to be reopened. Driving to Dix Pit and back again (including the drop of stuff) usually takes at least 90 minutes.

Liz Leffman
👍 4

Sun 1 Aug 2021, 11:55

Then please complete the survey and let us know!

Susie Finch
(site admin)
👍 2

Sun 1 Aug 2021, 10:36

Having just travelled all the way to Dix tip it would be great and more eco friendly if we had one nearer here!

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Sun 1 Aug 2021, 09:18 (last edited on Sun 1 Aug 2021, 12:28)

Thoughts such as “it would be nice to have one”?


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