Lost Tabby Cat

sarah Griffin
👍 5

Mon 26 Jul 2021, 22:15

Thank you to all the people who have contacted me and helped with looking for Jd I truly appreciate your time and effort . Many God bless u all .

sarah Griffin
👍 23

Mon 26 Jul 2021, 21:51

Thank you for every one's help in looking for JD we found him earlier on this evening he is now back at home 

sarah Griffin
👍 3

Mon 26 Jul 2021, 16:37

Please keep looking for JD

sarah Griffin
👍 1

Mon 26 Jul 2021, 11:42

Than you all for ur help in trying to find JD it's very much appreciated  ❤🙏

Here's hoping he comes out of hiding shortly and we get home back home again where he belongs . 

it's such a worry 

sarah Griffin
👍 1

Mon 26 Jul 2021, 09:43

i have put posters up in community centre  ,co-op and on board by bus stop .

On gate by Nature reserve  and on posts around nine acres Lane . 

sarah Griffin

Mon 26 Jul 2021, 09:42

Thank you Emily . for replying not sure how to put a photo in here 

Emily Algar

Mon 26 Jul 2021, 08:46

There’s a few on the adverts page Claire.

Claire Wilding

Mon 26 Jul 2021, 08:18

Can you post a photo Sarah?

sarah Griffin

Mon 26 Jul 2021, 07:13

Still no sign of our beloved cat JD . 😢💔😔😞

I'm so worried about him 

  Please please  help us get him home where he belongs . 

sarah Griffin

Sun 25 Jul 2021, 20:23

No he wasn't.  

vicky burton

Sun 25 Jul 2021, 15:27

Was he wearing a collar Sarah? 

sarah Griffin

Sun 25 Jul 2021, 13:47 (last edited on Sun 25 Jul 2021, 13:48)

Please please if u see JD let me know . He is missed so much and a part of our family . 

sarah Griffin
👍 1

Sun 25 Jul 2021, 09:19

Please keep an eye out for JD we are very very worried about him , we just want him to come home we miss him so much 😢

sarah Griffin
👍 1

Sat 24 Jul 2021, 19:04

Or even take him to charlbury vets they are aware he is missing . We are really worried about him as he is far away from home as we live in Enstone . 

sarah Griffin

Sat 24 Jul 2021, 08:15 (last edited on Sat 24 Jul 2021, 08:16)

Hi my cat escaped out of his carrier yesterday while taking him to the vets .His name is JD he is microchipped.  

He was last seen running into the field beside the scout's hut . please if you see him can you let me know . Email is sarahgriffin664@gmail.com 

vets are aware he is missing .If you can catch him or get him into your house I can come and collect him . 

Many Thanks .

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