Ants in the Lawn.

Christine Battersby
👍 2

Thu 22 Jul 2021, 16:12

Ants also don't help if you want to sit on your lawn without getting bitten to death.

I have ants (black and also red) pretty well everywhere in my front and back gardens, and am mostly happy to let them flourish -- but the nests in the middle of my back lawn (NB not one of the bowling-green variety), and the ones hiding beneath my front step and munching through the woodwork certainly need to be controlled.

Happy to receive recommendations for green products, but the "live and let live" approach is quite unrealistic.

Phil Morgan
👍 1

Thu 22 Jul 2021, 14:36

Ah, John, it's my back garden that has the black flying ants and I know they'll be on a mass migration when the weather turns. The front garden has red ants - they are the real workers...!

John Dora
👍 1

Thu 22 Jul 2021, 12:29

They'll be going soon, on their annual "leave the nest mass take-off party"! :)

Phil Morgan
👍 4

Thu 22 Jul 2021, 11:46

I'm a big fan of ants. They are Nature's best soil-improvers. Admittedly, they don't help if you want a bowling-green lawn but, as Jenny says, leaving a bit un-mowed can give you other joys.

I 'rewilded' my front lawn last year, planted a few specimen grasses to give height and variety. Now I love it! It's alive with bees on the clover and the birds come in constantly to feast on the multitude of 'bugs'. And the ants are doing a fantastic job!

Jenny Chambers
👍 5

Wed 21 Jul 2021, 18:26

Ants are an important part of a garden ecosystem. How about including any anthills in a no-mow area? 

👍 3

Wed 21 Jul 2021, 16:24

Meraud Hand

Wed 21 Jul 2021, 16:23

Watering the lawn (very) thoroughly ought to help too...

Christine Battersby

Wed 21 Jul 2021, 16:16

Ant powder. 

Jean Adams

Wed 21 Jul 2021, 15:59

How to get rid of them ? They are making mounds.

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