Covid in Charlbury and at the Football Club

Emily Algar
👍 7

Fri 16 Jul 2021, 08:40

Thank you Phil for the clarification. All any of us wanted was some clarity on the situation as the previous posts were a little contradictory. I hope the family feels better. It’s good to see that Test and Trace works and that people are continuing to use it. 

Meraud Hand
👍 8

Thu 15 Jul 2021, 23:45

I think it's excellent that they have been so open and acted so quickly and I'm very grateful to them for doing so.

Janet Burroughs
👍 12

Thu 15 Jul 2021, 22:58

I think that the Football and Sports Club should be congratulated for giving an early alert,  rather than leaving it to the rumour machine. At least that has allowed people with concerns to assess their risk and take action to mitigate if they wish. 

As I understand the position, Test and Trace actually has the responsibility for alerting individuals.   

Re current rules on isolation - advice from schools, who will be following the rules, is that it is only direct contacts who need to isolate, and no-one else such as members of their household. 

You are a direct contact if: 

1 You were within 1 metre of the person who tested positive, or 

2 You were within 2 yards of that person for more than 15 minutes

So when my granddaughter in Hartlepool was sent home from school last week to isolate, her brother (in a different bubble) was still able to go to school and her parents (both of whom have in fact had Covid earlier in the year), well dad at least, able to go to work. Seemed an interesting scenario in some respects, but that was as per instruction.  

Those who have visited will know that the Football and Sports Club has been operating strictly within the rules with tables well spread out and table service only. So that should have risk mitigation was in place.  

Perhaps we should be more worried about the impending Wilderness Festival?

Phil Morgan
👍 10

Thu 15 Jul 2021, 22:26

Further to Mandy's first post; we have confirmed that a family of three who don't live in Charlbury were tested positive for Covid following Sunday's Euro Final. The Club closed its doors as soon as it learned of this and has declared the threat to Test and Trace.

The record of those attending is open to inspection by T&T. The Club will remain closed for at least ten days while the premises are systematically disinfected.

It was never our intention to alarm people with our first post. We only wanted to alert people to a possible risk and urge those who were there to get themselves tested.

Our priority is to ensure that all those who come to our Club have a safe and enjoyable time.

Meraud Hand
👍 8

Thu 15 Jul 2021, 16:21

I think we do need to remember that Covid has been in and around Charlbury on and off all along, as you can see by looking back through past dates for this map

But anybody who was in the social club that evening ought really to be isolating now (because the venue's so small and the Delta variant, the only one around now, is much easier to catch). They should also obviously have got themselves a PCR test if they have any symptoms.

The Delta variant seems to be much more infectious before any real symptoms appear, and if people are indoors and singing transmission is sadly bound to happen. (It's so sad that a lovely evening for everyone can so easily be spoiled right now.)

Though the people we know about caught Covid elsewhere, we would be unusually lucky if they didn't manage to pass it on at the social club.

I've found that the Covid app is a bit hit and miss when I'm scanning it, so maybe an idea for the future this summer might be to have a private list of attendees' mobile numbers and to keep seating outdoors for now?

Emily Algar
👍 8

Thu 15 Jul 2021, 13:28

I don't see how trying to ascertain the facts about whether the appropriate procedures were followed at the Football Club constitutes a witch hunt. There are questions that a number of us have asked to which we have not been given an answer. Apart from Mandy, no one from the Football Club has posted to confirm if people were required to scan their NHS app when entering the venue or if people's names and contact details were taken in the event that someone with Covid came into contact with others. These are all valid questions. 

There are a lot of vulnerable people in Charlbury as well as a lot of young people who will not have been fully or even partially vaccinated who will be at risk of Covid or Long Covid, or even just passing it on to someone else. 

Maggie Watts
👍 5

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 22:23


You have completely missed the point.

👍 8

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 22:00

The Sports and Social Club, like thousands of other establishments followed the guidelines. Spread out seating, no more than 6 to a table, masks when not at your seat and table service. Please don’t turn this into a witch hunt. I’d be more concerned about people going in and out of Oxford/London everyday and the 100’s of different people staying at the campsites every weekend. 

Maggie Watts
👍 5

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 21:45

Claire, it’s a shame we haven’t been given the reassurance that those who recklessly chose to spend their time watching the (ubiquitously available) football have taken precautions. More shielding for me. Thank you Charlbury.

Claire Wilding
👍 7

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 21:05

If someone tested positive on Tuesday then it is likely they would have been infectious on Sunday evening while at the football club. The club should have been contacted by NHS Test and Trace, who will ask for records of who was present so that they can officially contact anyone who needs to isolate. 

Carl A Perkins
👍 5

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 20:11

Oxford is rife with Covid cases and it’s a place where a high proportion of people who live here work, many of whom travel to and from work by train. It’s not surprising that it has reached Charlbury

Nikki Rycroft
👍 12

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 19:10

Surely it’s important to follow the guidance when this happens ....see below ? 

People will have left their names and contact details or hopefully scanned their COVID App on the QR code if they were at the Club on Sunday. 

If 2 or more people test positive for COVID-19 and have been in a venue on the same day, then other people who registered their attendance at the venue on that day will receive a notification with the necessary public health advice. This notification will either come from their NHS COVID-19 app if they checked in using the NHS QR code, or via a text message if they provided their phone number.

👍 5

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 19:04

Well said Wendy. 100% agree. 

Wendy Bailey
👍 8

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 18:55

Surely the sensible thought process would be, the people that tested positive have to isolate but the others take a test so they know if they are positive or not.? 

Mandy, you are a star, you have been totally correct to let us all know thank you. This is not your responsibility. It is surly the responsibility of each individual to do the right thing and respect the safety of others. I support you 100%. Mandy.

Brian Murray
👍 5

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 18:22

Mandy, may I ask on whose authority you write, quote - 'we don't need to isolate for 10 days ........'. You appear to be posting on behalf of the club so may I again ask; is this matter being handled by any official body such as Test and Trace or by the Public Health Department of Oxfordshire County Council?

In the 7 days up to 9 July Covid cases in West Oxfordshire have more than doubled from 141 to 303. That is cause for concern and is why people are interested and anxious to know which authority is handling this.

Emily Algar
👍 14

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 15:36 (last edited on Wed 14 Jul 2021, 15:59)

But surely if the person who tested positive went to the club, then those people who were there at the same time, should also isolate? It also begs the question, did the three people who have tested positive go anywhere else in Charlbury, and if they did, were those places (Co-op, Community Centre, pubs etc.) notified?

Mandy cooper
👍 1

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 15:29

Yes this is being handled properly and no we don’t need to isolate for 10days covid is not in the club it was someone who tested positive on Tuesday they got it from there place of work not the football club 

Josie Cope
👍 4

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 14:34 (last edited on Wed 14 Jul 2021, 14:45)

those who were in attendance should be isolating for 10 days? But the club seems to have just advised that those present get a test? Have the rules changed? 

Brian Murray
👍 5

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 11:28

In view of the earlier posting under 'Charlbury town football and sports club' and that statement being repeated as a news item, can anyone tell us if this matter is being handled by any official body e.g. Test and Trace or Oxon Public Health, rather than by the football club itself?

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