TV licensing cons and non existent Charlbury digital!!

Charlotte Penn

Mon 24 Nov 2008, 09:10

Frank - many thanks for your advice, as always

Someone did ring me last week - to tell me that the digital mast will not be here until 2010. That's a long time to wait.

Love to understand a bit more though

Yes, let’s campaign to get better transmission

Frank Payne

Mon 24 Nov 2008, 08:54

This is in answer to Charlotte's question: For radio we have gone digital in Charlbury. What you receive now in Charlbury is as good as it will get unless there is an additional digital radio mast, which is not planned as far as I know. The switchover to digital television will only help in so far as you will be able to receive digital radio as part of the TV signal, but for that you will need a television connected to the aerial which you have only just got rid of! You might improve you existing radio reception with a separate radio aerial, preferably on the roof of your house, but that will have to be connected to a fixed radio, it wont help with portables. I know from comments others have made in Charlbury that digital radio is a real problem in parts of the town and perhaps we should campaign to get better transmission.

Charlotte Penn

Sun 23 Nov 2008, 20:08

Ross updates - good

The radio is pleasing.

However where I live the reception is weak, as with my phones. They are always buzzing and phasing out. Any advice on what to do, what radio, aerial, etc, - will solve this until we go digital. I really would appreciated this advice.


Sun 23 Nov 2008, 10:56

i dont agree with ross it was just what i read in the paoer i think he should be sacked as well.

Charlotte Penn

Sun 23 Nov 2008, 01:00

Many thanks Frank - that's all very interesting.

Yes I totally agree – no more money should go to that disgusting Ross.
He will be sacked, from I heard on the radio today, although the Beep don’t like to admit it. The enquiry is still on going.

Mandy - Ross is going - you mark my words. He will have to think of something else silly to do – somewhere else. Anyone got any suggestions? He’s so like an embarrassing fat uncle, and has never been funny in my opinion.

Anyway I digress – sorry Richard, back to the main thread!

Where’s our digital mast, as I don’t want to waste any money on going digital until it works properly.

Frank Payne

Sat 22 Nov 2008, 22:57

Charlotte, digital radio is available now in Charlbury, but not everywhere unfortunately. Where we live in Crawborough we get very good reception, but others in Charlbury cannot receive it all. Unlike analogue, digital is much more sensistive to location, which will also be true of digital TV, and if you live in a part of the town with poor reception I'm afraid that's the best it will be. Perhaps some of the money paid to people like Ross would have been better spent improving the coverage of digital radio.

As for owning TV receiving equipment, you do not need a licence if you do not watch TV programmes as they are broadast. This is quite clear if you check the conditions for needing a licence on the licence web site.


Sat 22 Nov 2008, 22:26

sorry but ross as been let of the hook but i know what you mean mind you i love all that rubbish watching x factor as i talk and i couldnt live with out my soaps.

Charlotte Penn

Sat 22 Nov 2008, 20:38

After a week without TV - life is so much better, should have given up watching that rubbish years ago. Don’t miss it at all.

Ian - good question? Is anyone able to answer this?

And, would love to know more about digital in Charlbury and about when it’s available – for my radio?

Hear that Ross is so now close to being on the way out - totally. GOOD!

Vive la revolution!


Sat 22 Nov 2008, 11:00

Thats the pleasure of living in Charlbury Ian ,its better than any jungle telegraph.And what is not fact comes a very close second .

Ian Taylor

Sat 22 Nov 2008, 10:53

I've not had a TV for a year now and I don't miss it at all! But why oh why oh why do I still know that some ex-journo has caused an upset on some dancing show? You can't escape it anywhere!

On the TV licensing note, I thought that you were liable if you owned equipment capable of receiving a broadcast signal, whether you actually watched it or not?

Adrian Lancini

Sun 16 Nov 2008, 13:55

Way to go Charlotte!
I've been telly rid for 3 years. It's ace. Let's make Charlbury telly free! (like that town somewhere or other that's gone plastic bag-free) Cue the volley of argument.


Sun 16 Nov 2008, 13:46

Could some please explain to me what this thread has to do with Charlbury.

Nicola Baker

Sun 16 Nov 2008, 03:01

I am using an indoor aeriel and a booster for my bedroom on the second floor, can just about get 1,2,3 but have to turn the aerial in the opposite direction for 4. Why is that?

[Various off-topicish postings moved across to the Grease Pit --Richard]

Charlotte Penn

Fri 14 Nov 2008, 19:41

I do really appreciate your advice Frank. Many thanks on warning me – on what happens with those BIG BROTHER threats. I will not be intimidated or bullied!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have loads of good ideas for the BBC. However, with my experience – they don’t like to be told what to do. It’s obvious now they don’t listen. I’ve had the most pathetic responses from the BBC over the last 2 weeks. Now, I’d pay for a channel that was pure comedy. I so need a laugh in my finacial crisis.

Frank Payne

Fri 14 Nov 2008, 10:36

Charlbury will go digital in 2011 but many parts of Charlbury can get Free View TV and digital radio already. But don't hold your breath. Just as some parts of Charlbury now get poor analogue reception, the same will be true of digital, but more so as digital needs a stronger signal than analogue. It will be helped somewhat though because after the digital switchover the transmitted signal will be boosted, which cannot happen at the moment as the digital and analogue frequencies are too close and there would be interference.

Prepare for the licence people at the BBC to give you a hard time by the way. My experience some years ago of getting rid of my TV (I now have one again) was never ending pressure from revenue officers who insisted they should come and inspect the house every six months or so, which they have no right to do. You may find them knocking on your door, but just tell them to go away.

Good luck!

Charlotte Penn

Fri 14 Nov 2008, 08:02

Yes, in many ways tv caused the start of the end of the family unit. The family lost the art of communicating. Anyway, lets get back to the subject, as I would like to more – why haven’t we got digital yet?


Fri 14 Nov 2008, 05:37

If this is a Family decision then i admire you greatly ,lets get Family values back where they belong instead of the quick fixes.

Charlotte Penn

Thu 13 Nov 2008, 22:35

To explain - there's plenty for us women to do - cook lovely food, work, and look after men and the children. We women have to have a sense of humour to do all this! This thread is about TV and licensing - don't spoil it. You will end up in the grease pen!

Alex Flynn

Thu 13 Nov 2008, 21:53

This self entertainment sounds intriguing! ;-)

Charlotte Penn

Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:15

Thanks for that Frank - very interesting. Hey ho - they're sitting in the rain now!!! Radio 4 and self entertainment will keep me going!

Frank Payne

Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:28

Well done! But actually you could have kept your TVs. You only need a licence if you watch or record broadcast programmes as they are being shown on television, you don't need a licence just to own a TV, although it is a common assumption that you do. It means for example that you can watch DVDs on your TV with no obligation to pay the BBC anything as long as you do not watch any broadcast material. The only problem is that theTV licence people can get very pushy and will try to convince you otherwise.

Charlotte Penn

Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:55

I’ve just thrown out my two TVs and cancelled my TV licence! I feel liberated! Fed up with repeats, paying the likes of that Ross, etc. Oh I could go on......and on. Love to hear everyone else’s ‘points of view’!!!!

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