Corner House Ann Downer room change of use !

John Partington
👍 20

Tue 7 Sep 2021, 09:49 (last edited on Tue 7 Sep 2021, 22:37)

Susie, I'm sorry that you think that it's "unfortunate" that books are now being sold in the Anne Downer room.  As you know, I'm merely the supplier/sorter .. but I really can't see that they're in anybody's way at all, and I've had many favourable comments about the range, quality, price and accessibility to those for whom the stairs are an obstacle. And Tim, your reference to "wrath" may be jocular, but I think it's unfortunate:  poor Roy, who works really hard to make the most of the Corner House, seems to be the butt of too many people's intemperately expressed opinions (often mutually contradictory, as on this thread).

Be all that as it may, the committee (of which I am not a member!) has agreed that the books will be there (till Christmas, I think) on a trial basis.  The stock is expanding almost daily, and will soon consist of several hundred exceptionally high-quality non-fiction titles at bargain prices.  [Children's books, and adults' fiction for the time being, are being sold in the back room of CornerStone; and Neil has an expanding range of titles upstairs at just 50p.]  A little more positivity, and gratitude to Neil, Roy and others, would raise the tone of this thread!

Leah Fowler
👍 6

Thu 5 Aug 2021, 12:15

It is  much easier to do a coffee morning in the Memorial Hall 

The kitchen is  much better in The Hall 

The disabled facilities are non existent in the Corner House 

The toilets are difficult to access!  

The Ann Downer room is too small and crowded

It is very cold for whoever is selling cakes and raffle tickets 

Tim Widdows
👍 3

Thu 5 Aug 2021, 11:20

Susie lets see how much space is taken up with the book shelves first, I'm sure there is enough room for both books ( on shelves around the edge)  and  tables for coffee mornings inside the Anne Downer room, besides  I'm sure the chairman of the CHC doesn't want the wrath of the coffee morning brigade coming down on them if they get short changed !  

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 4 Aug 2021, 23:22

Unfortunately Tim the Corner House committee on Monday decided that for a trial period until Christmas books would be sold there.  Don’t know how much room there would be for a coffee morning so they would probably be in the Memorial Hall 😟 

Tim Widdows

Tue 3 Aug 2021, 20:16 (last edited on Tue 3 Aug 2021, 20:18)

That's great news John, and it's news that is worthy of being included under your positive note you mention.

It's a win win situation for everyone, and I look forward to sampling some homemade cakes at the next coffee morning.

John Partington
👍 2

Tue 3 Aug 2021, 16:20 (last edited on Tue 3 Aug 2021, 16:47)

Apparently the Corner House committee met last night, and (as I said I expected, last month) agreed that coffee mornings could resume in the Anne Downer room, which for a trial period will also be furnished with some cases of books for sale in aid of the Corner House.  So your fears, Tim, are now officially allayed.

On a positive note, the upstairs bookshop is now open again, I think.  Some of the shelves are still a little bare, but before long there will be more books than ever for sale in various different rooms in the Corner House!

All books, including in CornerStone, are now 50p (or less for children's books).  We continue to be glad of books (and maps, DVDs & CDs) for sale in the Corner House and online .. just bring them along or give me a ring on 07555 608780 and I can collect from you.

Tim Widdows
👍 1

Sun 11 Jul 2021, 09:21

Heather and Jan I don't think anyone has a problem with bringing some of the book shop down to the lower floor for better access, what the biggest problem that's been highlighted is that the Anne Downer room is not hijacked entirely for the book shop, no one has a problem with book shelves going around the walls,  it can only be an added bonus just as long as that the room is still available for hire for meetings and coffee mornings, I suppose another option could be for movable trolleys with books on could be in the centre of the Anne Downer room and then if the room gets rented out then these trolleys could be moved into the main hallway of the corner house, another option if you really want the best easiest access is to move the book shop entirely into the garden room of the memorial hall.

The Anne Downer room is an important space for hire in the centre of the town it brings people into the centre which in turn helps the remaiming retail shops in the centre, by hiring the room out to lots of different organisations means you get lots of different people into the town centre. 

Heather Williams
👍 2

Sun 11 Jul 2021, 08:56

Perhaps bringing the already "book shop" which is up stairs, downstairs and it remains trading in the same principle, can surely be a good thing.  The stairs and the uneven floors upstairs, are not great for people and being on the ground floor may be easier for many.

Jan Cottle
👍 1

Sat 10 Jul 2021, 16:55 (last edited on Sat 10 Jul 2021, 16:57)

With all the challenges that lovely older public buildings bring, hopefully the key concern when considering venues, is how to enable access that includes people with a range of abilities.

Tim Widdows

Sat 10 Jul 2021, 11:41

John, I know you do a fantastic job finding and sorting all the books and this has really  paid off in helping the coffers of the Corner house so a big thankyou for all your hard work involved in this, and I hope this may long continue in the future with even more success.

I also hope you are correct in what you say that the Corner House Committee want to restart the coffee mornings in the Anne Downer room as these have been greatly missed over the lock down period by the good people of Charlbury, and "if " it is true in what you say then "the concerned members of Charlbury" will be relieved that they will not be losing the Anne Downer Room as their main hub for coffee mornings in the town Centre.

We all look forward to hearing that the Corner House Committee come to the right decision in allowing the Coffee Mornings to be reinstated  at the Anne Downer Room at the earliest and safest opportunity that "Covid protocol " allows, and fingers crossed with the added bonus of exploring some wonderful books on the bookshelves set around the walls of the Anne Downer Room to peruse whilst they have a cup of coffee and slice of cake.  

John Partington
👍 3

Fri 9 Jul 2021, 22:39

I don't know who Tim's "concerned members of Charlbury" are, and I don't have any authority or responsibility in this matter .. but I do supply books (and help sort others' books) to sell for the Corner House. And I know for certain that there is no intention to stop (ie not restart) holding coffee mornings in the Corner House. In fact I was discussing it only this morning with some of the good people who help staff Cornerstone there.

My understanding is that various ideas, both about making books more accessible and about increasing Corner House usage with coffee mornings etc are due to be discussed at the next meeting of the Corner House committee .. but I'm not a member of that august body, and so I cannot be certain.

I suggest, Tim, that you talk to Roy Scott or Bob Tait or others who can reassure you more informedly than I can. But from everything I know, these "concerned members" have no reason for being so.

Jean Adams
👍 2

Fri 9 Jul 2021, 15:34

Thank you Tim for taking the time to clearly explain what could be a serious loss to the Community.Coffee mornings have been an integral part of our life in Charlbury.

Book shelves on the walls would be an added attraction, but a Bookshop - NO thank you.

Tim Widdows

Fri 9 Jul 2021, 12:14 (last edited on Fri 9 Jul 2021, 14:10)

Having been on the Corner House Committee in the past ( 3 year stint), It's been brought to my attention by concerned members of Charlbury that there is rumour that the down stairs "Anne Downer Room" in the Corner House is on the agenda for discussion to be turned into…

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