Poor dog

Wendy Bailey

Thu 8 Jul 2021, 19:02

Thank you Malcom, I am thinking of having a video doorbell which I have been advised would record movement. Not CCTV. Just for the record I have owned dogs, but kept them on leads when walking them. 

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 2

Thu 8 Jul 2021, 15:14

Obviously I meant in the United States, where the yanks call them...

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Thu 8 Jul 2021, 15:12

None of ours! But we cleared a big pile deposited outside your annexe on the gravel last night near dark rather than leave it there to be mashed by a car backing out...

We're often picking up dog mess left behind. From appearences it's usually the same culprits.

I'm aware that in housing blocks with shared spaces, that the yanks call condonimiums, dogs have mandatory DNS sequencing done, and any messes left behind uncleared are sent off to a DNA sequencing lab to identify the dog and its owner.

What are the limits to bye-law powers to mandate compulsory DNA registration here? In Canada I grew up with all dogs being, mandatorily, having to have a dog licence.

K Harper

Thu 8 Jul 2021, 09:18

Did they “have the decency to return and clear it up”?  Kris

Wendy Bailey

Thu 8 Jul 2021, 08:23

Thank you to who ever cleared the dog poo. 

Wendy Bailey

Wed 7 Jul 2021, 13:52

To the irresponsible dog owner that let their dog leave a pile of mess in my drive way on Hundley Way, would you have the decency to return and clear it up. The dog poo bin is 20 feet away.  Although you probably don't use the forum. 

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