Want to avoid the Amazon tax to buy electronical-ly bits?

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 14 Jun 2021, 17:20

Maplins was dead, or so I thought, but not so! 


So I don't have to pay The Great Monopolist's tax upon collective society and culture after all. Well, sort-of. And Maplins online has been up for a couple of years now. Goes to show how little we now do "repairs" to electrical devices, instead of just simply - ecocidally - disposing of entire pieces of equipment through Big Neo-liberal Capitals' manic cost-cutting and planned-obsoleteness.

With Maplins resurrected as a mail-order/delivery supplier, are there other similar online outlets people have found to be "good"? Please let us know of any recommendations.

So good news I presume. Are there other good online suppliers of IT network stuff, bits of electrical components and such-like peole can recommend?

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