Town Council

Gareth Epps

Fri 15 Jul 2005, 16:36


I understand the silly legal anomaly whereby you have to be 21 to stand is due to be abolished; there is a Bill going through Parliament which will allow all those 18 and above to stand. (And about time too.)

Susie's right about when elections take place. I'd say go for it - the council needs to be representative of all ages. (I can say this having been elected to it age 28 and stood down last year.)

john h

Sat 9 Jul 2005, 19:07

Roly you have to be 21 to stand for election. If you are serious about standing for Council in the future, why not come along to a meeting or two,this will give you an idea of what you may be letting yourself in for.Meeting dates are published on the notice board at the Corner House, or opp: 5 Ways Shop. Look forward to seeing you.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 5 Jul 2005, 08:41

Roly - you missed the boat. The Town Council are up for election every four years - and last year was the year. Unfortunately only 9 people put themselves forward (instead of at least 12 which we need) and we therefore had to post up notices asking for extra people to join. These we now have. But do keep an eye out for notices in 2008 when the town council will be up for election again - or unless someone leaves when we will need to replace them. I think you have to be over 18 and live or work in the parish of Charlbury. Person to contact is Roger Clarke, the town clerk, on 810680. Hope this helps.


Mon 4 Jul 2005, 21:44

Thanks for the encouragement Kate! I hope it is 18, but I'm just unsure as for some reason you have to be 21 to stand for the Commons despite 18 being the age of majority. So how exactly does the election/non-election work? I was under the impression that there weren't enough people interested for there actually to be an election - if this is so, then why, may I ask, the leaflets? :-)

kate southey

Wed 29 Jun 2005, 15:57

I assume the age would be 18, as that is a voting adult. I don't know when any members of the TC are up for re-elect,possibly next year.
Go for it!! I've stood twice and apart from trudging around delivering leaflets it's a fun experience.
Kate x


Tue 28 Jun 2005, 23:50

I'm wondering how one gets oneself onto the council, when the 'non-elections' are held, and how old you have to be. I'm quietly pondering the idea of becoming a councillor you see! Cheers.

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