Ethernet wire joiners, female2female, anyone got some spare?

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 14 Jun 2021, 17:31

Ah well, instead of finding or buying "pre-loved" or surplus bits hanging around in peoples' cupboards etc. I'm off to Maplins - which I thought had died a couple of years back. They have resurrected as an online supplier. I'm aware of a growing movement of people trying to consciously avoid the Besos Bill (like I've largely avoided the Bill Tax by using Linux/FreeBSD Unix for the last 25 years via eschewing Microshaft software wherever possible. This has also allowed me to preserve as eminently useable old laptops etc that would have otherwise been binned 7 or 10 years ago as "too slow" due to the horrendous bloatware of Windross' equipment requirements - to even just crawl, much less run).

Any other online suppliers of networking stuff, electrical or electronic components, that folks have had good experiences with?

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 12 Jun 2021, 20:54

In the spirit of "reduce re-use recycle" does anyone have any of these little sockets for joining one (male ended) internet/ethernet wire to a second (male ended) ethernet wire?

I'm reluctant to open up the Amazon website (even the "smile" variant) and enrichen the coffers of The Great Monopolist and consume more earthly resources and energy, by buying new!

I thought I had 3 or 4 of them, but can now only find one, so not getting quite the house-enveloping Gigaclear fast internet service everywhere 'cos some of the wires are just, not quite, long enough to reach... And 35 foot wires are hugely too long to waste.

The wiring here is Cat6 1Gb but the only joint I could find is at least 20 years old (its yellow looks betray its age). However the simple metal-to-metal connectors over a millimetre distance don't even cause a single bit to be dropped on a test. So age is of no consequence.

Also, if anyone has any Cat 6 (or Cat 5e)ethernet wires longer than 2 metres they can part with, I'll happily receive either a donation to me - or make a donation to one of Jon's dearest causes.

These items are the sort of thing a tekkie may have hiding in the bottom of a toolbag/box. Or, indeed, an ex-tekkie who thought some had been left in a shoebox on a bedroom's shelves :-(

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